Alpha Lim

Joined Jun 04, 2018

What's your pleasure?

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replied 2417d
Feels like the heady days of Web 2.0, right now!
Powerful ! Hopefully this becomes soon!
My first memo on Bitcoin cash thanks to faucet. Let this memo live for thousands of years to come.
replied 2417d
I gave blockpressapp a little look, just doesn't gel for me.

memo at least *LOOKS* different
and has the potential to blend reddit, slack and twitter.

Much prefer one platform.
replied 2422d
Now it makes sense why bitcoin cash is attacked relentlessly.
replied 2422d
Thank you for the link. Very interesting!
replied 2417d
Genesis Block, Exodus Block.
I like that!
replied 2417d
Thanks for the reply. I'm also gauging responses, and so far, yours is the first. One vote for Memo!
replied 2423d
Simon Van Gelder
Kind of, but we will see the promised land soon enough :)
2423d · Bitcoin Cash
Block #478559 was the Exodus Block, it was the first block mined after the split between Bitcoin (Cash) and the SegWit coin. Bitcoin escaped Core supremacy that day.
replied 2417d
Since you asked. Memo only for me.
Who else is trying out all the bitcoin cash BCH blockchain-based social networks to see which ones stick?

set profile pic 2417d
set profile 2417d
What's your pleasure?
People who've only ever held one job at a time look at a businessman who's had a dozen bankruptcies out of hundreds of companies and call him a "bankrupt."

Read a book, people.
set profile 2417d
What's your pleasure?
replied 2417d
What's 10,000 satoshi today?
replied 2417d
Formerly taco tuesday
2418d · Memes
In some places it's better not to question authority.
replied 2417d
One day 10k sat will be a lot of money... and this comment will still be around ... hello future self!
voted in poll 2417d

Are you hoping for a huge drop in BTC and BCH so you can load up on the real Bitcoin (Cash)?


I would prefer that BCH overtakes BTC in a rising crypto market.
You won't see prices this low for the remainder of the year
replied 2422d
The plot thickens...
replied 2422d
Now it makes sense why bitcoin cash is attacked relentlessly.
2422d · Bitcoin Cash
BCH serves the poor... or early adopters. It can't be lent because it can't be created out of thin air by the banks but that's exactly what the LN was created for by the banks...