"I have had some conversations with Core developers, and they want to change the 21M limit after BTC experiences two reward halvings, which means in five to ten years."
If they did, that'd be the final nail in the coffin of their reputation. It would be proof that BTC's dead, as bitcoin.
Just a year on and the questions here seem terribly naive. But for anyone wanting to learn how cryptocurrency will change the world, this is a great start:
The Lion and the Duck: a fable for an increasingly intrusive internet: https://listed.fuelgoodtribe.com/3090/the-lion-and-the-duck-a-fable-for-an-increasingly-intrusive-internet
Whatever you're doing right now, you're doing because you felt you really had nothing better to do: https://listed.fuelgoodtribe.com/3048/are-you-feeling-good-right-now
Do you do what you love? Or do you love what you do? There's a subtle distinction that makes a difference: https://listed.standardnotes.org/@FUELGOODTRIBE/2984/do-you-do-what-you-love-or-do-you-love-what-you-do