Is that so? So according to you I need to kill someone to feel that its wrong thing to do? Same how I need to run a capitalist business to understand why capitalists do it? Is that it?
You trying to tell business people how to run their business and treat their employees when you have never had one employee is naive.
The standard of living we have today is higher than in all of human history due to economic growth. This happened in spite of the state, not because of the state.
I think I'm going to do a good long post about how free speech is just as valuable as financial freedom and that the two are symbiotic. Therefore memo>Reddit.
Socialism can work as this allows taxing the top rich more & what US gov did at time of great depression, which did fix it, but this was later reversed by Nixon & problem grew again
You are avoiding the question. If they dont work, how do you make them?
"Hinman acknowledged that there may still be some confusion over how to determine if any cryptocurrencies and ICOs are securities and that his office was willing to help"
Censorship in the Internet is really viewed as a faulty network outside, so when a government censors Internet traffic it is simply automatically routed around the faulty network.
In the same way BCH splitting from the old chain is the natural reaction to a centralized authority censorship attempt on the blockchain - BCH is merely routing around Blockstream.
In the same way BCH splitting from the old chain is the natural reaction to a centralized authority censorship attempt on the blockchain - BCH is merely routing around Blockstream.
"All features of the platform are executed on the Bitcoin blockchain, and users are reminded beforehand that “all of the information will be permanently stored on the [Bitcoin] (BCH) blockchain”
Diversify, cover both possibilities. It's the only rational move in light of how successful the political campaign around btc has been. The good guys don't always win and the world is not just