Hey there! On this page: https://memo.sv/protocol I believe you mean "Message data is hex encoded" rather than "Message data is UTF-8 encoded." In OP_RETURN 6d01 6d656d6f, 6d656d6f is hex, no?
No, it is UTF-8 encoded in the transaction. Hex is just used to display binary data on the protocol page.
My dad has a hostel in Choroni, Venezuela, I'm convincing him to accept BCH, I'm going to travel this week to create him a wallet and explain how to use it. I gotta take him to the future!
Was looking forward to giving them feedback because a lot of things suck about PayPal. Instead they essentially tried to sell me on PayPal Checkout, via a series of leading questions.
ha damn😕typical large, entrenched, business who doesn't have to care about their customers. sounds like Comcast
Oh yeah, I think they call those push polls where they pretend it's an opinion poll but really they're trying to plant ideas in your head. Popular during election season.
Was looking forward to giving them feedback because a lot of things suck about PayPal. Instead they essentially tried to sell me on PayPal Checkout, via a series of leading questions.
Oh yeah, I think they call those push polls where they pretend it's an opinion poll but really they're trying to plant ideas in your head. Popular during election season.
Way to go! Working on a layman-friendly meta-discussion of the "Selfish Mining Fallacy"... noticed you updated the paper with mucho rigor. Rizun or Fallen? ;)
This is just the tiniest sliver of what will be the most authoritative, immutable record of history. In 100 years, no one will trust a history with out proof from op_return data.