
Joined Jul 13, 2018

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2415d · Music
JK this is closer to my real favorite song right now:
2415d · Music
My favorite song
replied 2415d
Not sure if it was Qualtrics. This one didn't have a reward attached but that would have helped considering they really didn't want my feedback just wanted to pitch a new service.
replied 2415d
Was looking forward to giving them feedback because a lot of things suck about PayPal. Instead they essentially tried to sell me on PayPal Checkout, via a series of leading questions.
replied 2415d
Was looking forward to giving them feedback because a lot of things suck about PayPal. Instead they essentially tried to sell me on PayPal Checkout, via a series of leading questions.
2416d · Capitalism
Just took a PayPal survey. Never again.
replied 2416d
Ayn Rothbard
Oh nice! works to read JSON. To write, looks like has encodeNullDataOutput... looking for something easier.
replied 2417d
Ayn Rothbard
Can you express the tiles as text or structured data? It's a 220 byte (character) limit. BITBOX node.js library could be a good place to start
2417d · what projects are ya'll working on bch related?
BCM Token!!!
You gotta figure KIN token will hit a penny. But i don't care. I'm too busy building on Bitcoin!!!!!!!!!!!!
created poll 2418d
Anyone else not understand Bitcoin? (OP_RETURN VS OP_GROUP??)
Yes, I don't get it either 0 votes · 0 satoshis
No, I do understand Bitcoin 0 votes · 0 satoshis

Who's down wit' BitDB
replied 2424d
(coming pretty darn soon... i designed them myself :)
replied 2424d
There's also green-multi and pink with pink interior.
Orange & multi-colored art for one of the new mugs

replied 2424d
Free Bitcoin Cash mugs (and free shipping) for my favorite 3 replies on the Reddit post.
replied 2425d
Way to go! Working on a layman-friendly meta-discussion of the "Selfish Mining Fallacy"... noticed you updated the paper with mucho rigor. Rizun or Fallen? ;)
replied 2426d
Wow.... i meant it helped me quit smoking pot, might be too early to call... wait so I can't delete a memo I posted here? Bad typos i make sometimes.
#BitcoinCash quit smoking pot. The cause of economic freedom has been a huge blessing and given me a sense of mission & purpose. Plus it's a reason to teach math again. No judgment just happy
replied 2426d
They call me 'Bell'
They call me 'Stacey'
They call me 'her'
They call me 'Jane'
That's not my name
That's not my name
That's not my name
That's not my...

2426d · Mathematics
Back in the day, it would be easier to measure diameter than radius, with physical objects. I agree that Tau simplifies some equations and makes them look cool but to say that Pi is wrong? Um.
2426d · Capitalism
I will add, I'm super anti-pollution. Whether it relates to global warming is a different matter entirely. We don't need to be breathing smog but we also shouldn't jump to crazy sensationalism..
2426d · Capitalism
Sometimes people just don't like change.