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saved 1352d
For 6 weeks from Wednesday night, I cannot see my family, friends, go to a gym, I can exercise within 5km from my home but that’s not a safe option for me or my dogs so I can’t do it. I lost 1 friend last lockdown to Suicide, I hope I don’t lose another
saved 1352d
In over 2 hours we’re expecting the government to announce that Ireland is back in lockdown for 6 weeks. Pray for me. 😭😭😭
saved 1355d
Ireland is possibly going into complete lockdown for 6 weeks. No seeing friends or family. No retail open. No gyms. Only places open will be food shops. Travel restricted to 5km from your house unless you need to buy food or go to a doctor. I’m so sad rn.
saved 1355d
That Friday feeling
saved 1357d
So now according to Ireland’s restrictions I can go to the gym with random sweaty people. Go to shops with random people but I am not allowed go to my nanny’s house even though I wear a mask and sit across the room from her. It’s stupid.
saved 1359d
Anyone been watching the UFC fights at Yas Island and noticed the super tall guy. This is Adam. I’m 5’7. I’ve never felt so small in my life 😂😂
saved 1361d
Let’s go Big Ben!!!
saved 1363d
Officially booking off time for my holiday to America next year. 🇺🇸 Can I wear this or does it scream TOURIST?
saved 1363d
For the first time in a few years. I’ve my natural hair colour. Brunette life!
saved 1365d
saved 1371d
Have the first 2 episodes of S2 of @1676 History of Horror podcast loaded up for my hike tomorrow.
saved 1375d
Who wins tonight
/poll [Izzy,Costa]
saved 1375d
Absolutely heartbroken Twetch buddies. Woke up this morning and went to give the kittens their medication and they were gone. The mom moved them. I did find where she moved to but no sign of the kittens. I cried. I was so attached.
saved 1378d
The difference a few days of medication made to her eye 💕💕💕
saved 1380d
Schrodinger has the perfect Monday face 😂
saved 1381d
Schrodinger has become very confident in the last week. Pierre’s eye is still bad so calling the vet tomorrow to hopefully get some drops. Church is a very shy little kitten.
saved 1385d
Taking care of stray kittens. This is Pierre Despereaux. It has an eye infection which I am cleaning everyday. Contacted my vet. Hoping it can be resolved.
saved 1385d
*cries* I did it! It’s done. My final essay for Social Science is in. Now to hope I pass.
saved 1387d
Looks like I’ll finally be getting a chance to visit America next year.
saved 1389d
So went to an Irish bar in Stockholm as I always visit an irish bar in whatever country I go to. Look who I bumped into out of all the places.
saved 1389d
Throwback of Josh and myself in Croatia.
saved 1389d
Having a massive doubting my capabilities moment rn
saved 1389d
After several days of a block, my brain and hands have started working together again. Time to get this essay done.
saved 1391d
Throwback photo but thank FFFF football is back or as I call it handegg
saved 1391d