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saved 931d
So I’m not a multi millionaire? Well shit. Looks like I’m going to work this week
saved 1140d
Thank you! Just gonna leave it now. Since it matches my furniture in the sitting room. Excluding my TV unit. Gonna revamp some more furniture over the summer 😁
saved 1140d
Other than studying this is all I’ve been up to lately 😂 revamping my old coffee table
saved 1172d
I dug holes and planted 17 New Zealand boxleaf hedgings today. If I didn’t quit drinking I would say I deserve a beer. Instead, I’m gonna treat myself to some flavoured sparking water. Stay hydrated people.
saved 1226d
Losing my marbles in lockdown. Been at home for close to a year. Can’t fly to see any friends cuz we’re in lockdown till May. I just wanna get on a plane and go anywhere that’s not Ireland. ☹️😢
saved 1235d
Tonight movie. Nic Cage vs demonic animatronic mascots. 🍿🥤
saved 1246d
Posting on the off chance anyone wanted to help me out. My laptop is pretty much dead. Applied for a student assistance fund but didn’t get approved for it. I currently can’t afford to buy one and I need it for uni https://paypal.me/pools/c/8wAfvbkzgm
saved 1246d
Koda yesterday ❤️
saved 1268d
Holy beauty Batman ❤️❤️❤️
saved 1268d
Please sent me a photo of where you are in the world rn as a reply. Ireland has basically been in lockdown for 10 months and I’m feeling quite low tonight as I miss travel and human interaction so please send me a photo if possible
saved 1269d
Happy Sunday 💕
saved 1270d
Sup Twetch ❤️
saved 1288d
Well Ireland is fun right now 🙁
saved 1308d
All year I’ve been thinking about starting up my own little hand crafted shop. Think I’m gonna give myself a big kick in the arse and do it next year. If nothing comes from it at least I enjoyed the idea and experience and will keep doing it for myself!
saved 1316d
I’ll take it I did good for a first attempt
saved 1316d
Made jerk chicken nachos today. I’ve seen them mentioned in a few American TV shows so tried my hand. Slow cooked the chicken for 6 hours in jerk sauce. Was so easy to shred, took 1 minute with my hand mixer. Didn’t eat all this cuz I got too full.
saved 1318d
Any man who puts his Christmas tree up in November ejaculates the second he sees a pair of tits.
saved 1341d
saved 1341d
Due to the coronavirus the Irish government has deemed the sale of clothing “non-essential” in stores that sell food and clothing. I can walk in and spend €100 on alcohol but I can’t buy a €2 pair of socks when it’s freezing cold here.
saved 1341d
saved 1341d
Halloween is cancelled is Ireland this year. Here’s the Gotham Girls. I’m Catwoman.
saved 1344d
If y’all are looking for something for Halloween a good movie is Haunt. The one with @1676 as the producer. Good movie! Or if you have never seen Hostel or The Green Inferno watch those
saved 1345d
Got my results a day early and I passed 🍾🍾🍾🍾🍾
saved 1346d
Pray for me guys, on Tuesday I find out if I passed my first university module. Cost me €3500 so hoping I didn’t waste money lol
saved 1348d
Koda is taking lockdown well