
Joined Jul 26, 2018

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replied 2069d
Why is is that Core got to keep the Bitcoin name? Because they had the majority of hashpower with them at the time of the fork?
replied 2069d
I like pretty much everything he says too. But I don't like that he left the Bangkok meeting immediately after doing his own presentation. Same thing happened when I saw him in London
replied 2069d
It's still going strong! I thought the stress test was just for one day only!? Who is sending all these transactions?
replied 2073d
Full blocks on BCH!? :O
Stress test seems to be going well, great work!
replied 2098d
Great interview, Craig is always interesting to listen to. Really hope he and Nchain will deliver some useful tech.
Craig Wrights "tone" was criticised at last nights London speakers event and I overheard him described as "trump-like". IMO people should be more focused on his ideas than anything else. What matters is if he's right.