There are no magic nutrients in meat. Everything can be found in plants except some things that are really bad for you like cholesterol.
It is far harder to get all the proper amino acids for a full protein from vegetables. It is easiest with beef. Also cholesterol is not always bad. I need lots of protein and fat.
I went against the grain for you. I took the heat. I supported you through the thickest tides of abuse and dissent and you just shit all over me. That hurts. Good luck with that.
Did I ask you to?
I seek to have BCH as global money, I do not ask for support for me. I want people to do what is in their rational long term interests
@mohrt, for your tip of 15000 satoshis, I will send 48 txs with the message: bch... You can watch here in the run: R820. now allows up to 1.3 million satoshi's *Donate change and collected dust to eatBCH* If unchecked, then that change will stay in to be used in a future test.
I bought BCH today,holding some USD back incase more dip.I dont mind the term BCash Bcause my name is Brian!I think of it as Brian Cash lol.if they dont like it they can send it 2 me.
Weekly Crypto Recap, August 3 - 10 (AKA "Hijinx and High Tea") we discussed: Bitcoin Core developer Cory Fields' article about BCH bug. Markets down ETFs