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saved 588d
Privatization is a consensus technology. Let me explain.

In the absence of humans, natural ressources remained untapped, which is quite logical. However, as human population increased, tribes began to exploit these ressources. This led to depletion and endangered the tribe survival. Over time, tribes that agreed on a consensus mechanism to privatize resources thrived and survived better. It was one of the first technologies invented by humankind.

With the help of this technology, the market economy has grown and expanded to cover the entire planet. As privatized resources become scarce, their prices increase which in turn encourages innovation and the efficient use of resources. Where some resources are still not privatized, they remain exploited to exhaustion.

Therefore, we should consider privatization as a technology in its own right, one that humanity is constantly seeking to improve with each generation. Its current form is still sub-optimal, and we should strive to im...