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saved 1540d
Bitcoin felt like a Mission Impossible when I first really understood it.

I'll take those odds any day, because it's beautiful.
saved 1540d
saved 1540d
Not necessarily better, was just to show that data can be unencrypted onchain as well as Bitcoin can be used safely over unencrypted connections.

People will likely encrypt, it was just a concept of hiding in plain sight.
saved 1541d
You can upload a program unencrypted & split it to 1000's of random tx's on Bitcoin. The ones having the program rebuild sequence, can execute the program from a small file anywhere.

For everyone else the data is garbage without the loading sequence.
saved 1541d
saved 1541d
I personally don't think anarchy works, but I don't mind listening to people with free thoughts, ideas & give them credit for great thoughts that can live outside an anarchistic mindset or worldview.

So when I share people, I share a piece of their mind.
saved 1541d
"Once it's posted on something like Twetch.app, it's impossible to remove & that is beautiful." - @14885

saved 1541d
The idea for the different art styles being like the economy itself is brilliant @24.

saved 1541d
saved 1541d
saved 1541d
saved 1541d
Bitcoin proves original source of inspiration. So many has stolen quotes, ideas, work & products from other people who never had fame or fortune for their originality.

Bitcoin is the epiphany of wealth, where we can look back at true minds of intellect.
saved 1541d
saved 1542d
saved 1542d
Is there anywhere I can upload a file on Bitcoin that is unlocked (available to be read) on a set block height?

Something that can be a future feature for bitcoinfiles.org @205?
saved 1542d
The best all people could do is just buy a few dollars of Bitcoin, I'm talking even less than $100. It's an opportunity to be part of changing the world & lock in value to deflationary money until they stop printing FIAT that goes into assets everywhere.
saved 1542d
It was the turning point where mining was started with loss and monkeys was trying to calculate the opportunity cost... the optimism coming after was amazing as well, like they're "forced" to be optimistic and at the same time will be saved by Bitcoin.
saved 1542d
If you go back to normal social media in 2021, following & applauding "role models" that shows off primarily body parts, talks about shallow products & doesn't contribute to society with their mind; please unfollow, you're not seeing anything of that here.
saved 1542d
Bitcoin has matured & smartened the human population the fastest ever seen in a century. - 2109
saved 1542d
Wish for 2021: Remove worldwide tax laws, whatsoever, every subsidy in existence, no benefits to any company or structure.

Replace it with a 20% one time yearly profit tax on business profits, no income tax for employees, absolutely no other tax levels.
saved 1542d
I was made to make great things.
saved 1543d
Bitcoin is the wheel that never stops people from stacking innovations upwards, downwards & sideways on top of others knowledge.
saved 1543d
Good freedom laws attracts people willing to protect these laws, in other words; the best people protect the best people and the fallout of people who doesn't care or just not focused on it gets the benefits of it all as well.
saved 1543d
saved 1543d
Law that protects the human in a country from the government & protect the human from other humans (property, violence, etc).

Only the best legal countries with freedom as core wins, despite bumps along the road around enforcement's, regulations etc.