My favorite chocolate in the world now accepts BCH/ BTC for payment: Sacred Chocolate! It is expensive but the best chocolate I've ever had by far.
The level of censorship right now is absolutely OUT OF CONTROL. Just type "building seven" into YouTube and just look at the AGENDA-based PROGRAMMING they are trying to force feed the masses. Its fucking disgusting.
Would be very interested if anyone has yet registered an Ethereum (ERC20) virtual person as a PERSON via California Department of Public Health - Vital Records (or similar). This could be a Pandora's box...
We need to take back political "debates" from the MSM, and replace it with an online open source debate platform. No topic would be off limits. No time limit on answers. No candidate denied access to the forum.
Officially deleted reddit from my life. That place has become a cesspool of GROUPTHINK and propaganda. Or was already bad before, but it’s out of control. So thankful for decentralized platforms like MEMO!
Breaking: r/greatawakening banned on reddit. Not sure what to make of the info/misinfo people discussed there, but the censorship is real and should not be taken lightly. We need to adopt platforms like this one NOW.
Life goal: I email 3-5 of my favorite online businesses per day, and ask them politely to accept cryptocurrency as a payment method. Send them here: There is nothing to lose, only gain.
Remember inflation is the expansion of the money and credit supply. Destroyed purchasing power, and devaluation are only symptoms. The symptoms of inflation hurt the poor most. Stop inflation, stop hurting the poor.