
Joined Aug 24, 2018

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of the non agression principle.

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Yikes! Steemit has been down most the day today. Anyone know what's up?
Breaking: r/greatawakening banned on reddit. Not sure what to make of the info/misinfo people discussed there, but the censorship is real and should not be taken lightly. We need to adopt platforms like this one NOW.
replied 2059d
There are a lot of perspectives. Just remember not to fall for the fallacy from authority, or fallacy of majority. Just because MOST believe one reality doesn’t make it truth.
replied 2059d
“Hallucination” is a word used by people who are afraid to test the boundaries of perception. Plant medicines should not be discounted so easily.
replied 2062d
Everything we perceive is frequency. Think about it. Electrical impulses being fed into our sensory perception. Only 5 senses. What other senses are we not perceiving?
replied 2062d
From sound in our ears, to light in our eyes, to taste on our tongue, to touch on our nerves; everything we perceive is frequency. How to perceive more bandwidth?
replied 2062d
Use it, use it, USE it. Promotion is easy with all the crazy censorship on centralized platforms. Just a few thought leaders here is all it will take.
replied 2062d
Yeah Wikipedia will never get you there for any objective reality. Why not explore the source directly?
replied 2062d
It’s important to realize humans perception of reality is very limited. Plant medicines offer even more perspective in our quest for truth.
replied 2062d
There are many observable truths outlined in the book mentioned. What makes a living thing “alive”? As soon as you die you begin to decompose. What makes you compose?
replied 2062d
Reading flat earth, hollow earth, holofractal theories etc. expand awareness in our quest for truth. Theories aren’t necessarily truths. Most theories we have today aren’t truths.
An oldie but goodie. The Crypto-Anarchist Manifesto:
Who did you contact today to accept crypto? Try Apple:
Tetragrammaton - The Most Sacred Knowledge On Our Planet - Nassim Haremin
Life goal: I email 3-5 of my favorite online businesses per day, and ask them politely to accept cryptocurrency as a payment method. Send them here:
There is nothing to lose, only gain.
replied 2067d
“Education” nowadays is a laundry list of useless degrees. Millions of students learning nothing more than how to be good slaves and how to better worship slave masters.
replied 2067d
Our descent into tyranny has been a long process. Central banking enabled government expansion & created a giant monopoly of power. Blame the elite psychopaths not the people.
replied 2067d
Says the guy using the internet, on his smartphone. Just remember the problems in US don’t define its people. Most people are good people, governments are the real problem.
replied 2067d
Before 1998 there was no such thing as a student loan. People would work for their higher education. Some still do. College nowadays is baby sitting for adults, not education.
replied 2067d
With inflationary policy, credit is easy; people borrow what they cannot afford. They don't plan for their future. Look at the debt figures for households in the US. Student loans, etc
replied 2068d
A fallacy built on a fallacy doesn’t make your argument sound. Try again.
replied 2068d
The example is set by our masters. “If they don’t accept personal responsibility, why should we?”
replied 2068d
I actually think flat earth theories are fun to explore deeply. These theories pose some valid questions and shouldn’t be dismissed just bc most can’t get beyond GROUPTHINK.
replied 2068d
Not asking you to blindly accept this. Try Rudolf Steiner: An Outline of Esoteric Science. It will open your eyes to a whole new theory that is just as plausible as anything else.