
Joined Apr 16, 2018

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2134d · txBlaster2_bot
Thank you @txBlaster3 for your tip of 15000 satoshis. The tests will start soon! You can watch here
What is Blockchain? 1 question, 7 answers
Antonopoulos, Di Iorio, Whale Panda, Pacia, Fenton, Spagni, Ver
Ayn Rothbard
The hardest thing to explain is the glaringly evident which everybody had decided not to see.
2208d · QAnon
This is what I like about MEMO. Trolls have to pay for trolling. By doing so they're supporting a cryptocurrency their bosses hate. Come on trolls, prove me I am wrong.
Bitcoin Cash is the world's best money. Watch Roger Ver's behind the scenes and highlights at the CoinGeek conference.

Any thoughts on the video, post your thoughts in the comments.
Bitcoin Cash is spreading much faster than BTC in Tokyo:
Telescope now supports posting directly to and blockpress! watch here:
Bitcoin Cash is following the original Bitcoin roadmap while BTC forked off in a strange direction with segwit, LN, fee market, small blocks, rbf, soft forks, and so on.
Bitcoin is BCH.
2224d · Bitcoin Cash
#BitcoinCash is coming to tens of thousands of convenience stores in Japan soon!
Someday, not too far from now, we will be using Bitcoin Cash payments as a standard in our day to day lives. "Dear Merchants, Stop sharing your revenue with others"
The Segwit "scaling solution" was too little, and too late to save BTC.
The world is moving on to BCH.
2226d · Favorite Quotes
“We cannot solve our problems using the same thinking we used to create them.” - Albert Einstein
2228d · memo
*What do you guys think about something like this for memo?
If Memo continues to improve at this rate - I expect it to rival Twitter within a year, and cure cancer in two.
Reina Nakamoto
Memo is slick now. Such impress! Very mobile.
replied 2231d
In no way did i imply or lead anyone to believe that i think like that.No i'm not censoring u or trying to.But now u are i'll stop this conv & cont to use memo as i see fit
replied 2235d
This is on the near term roadmap!
replied 2252d
Twitter is shit compared to Memo in ~1 year.
replied 2237d
Christoph Bergmann
replied 2242d
This would even enable you to send your contact an encrypted message!
2242d · Memo Adoption
all BCH wallets need to implement the memo-protocol; wallets should start by implementing memo-profiles as `contacts`; this would make public people searchable & tip-able from any wallet
Linux ISO
If you want to use the State to reward your friends and punish your enemies, you’re the exact kind of person Bitcoin was meant to bypass.
Sk8eM dUb
Hey everyone! Start posting local news! One thing *they* fear most is a decent record of history. BCH is an Alexandria that can't be burnt!
2242d · 비트코인 캐쉬