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saved 182d
I don't know what that means.
saved 182d
First of all, that's 4.7 million pounds.

Secondly, even if it was 6.55 million pounds, which it isn't, why would Craig have to move coins because of the freeze order?
saved 182d
Creating stories isn't the minds number one activity for no reason. It's a tremendous survival tool.

On one hand it helps us make sense of the past, learn from mistakes etc, on the other hand it creates possible scenarios for the future. Being able to imagine possible futures is the difference between survival and death.

But this survival tool, like any tool, can be misused. That happens when we start to take the stories of the mind for reality instead of possible realities.

In extreme cases this ends in insanity, where people get lost inside of their mind, unable to compare the story with reality. They get lost in the story.

Being human comes with this danger, this challenge.
saved 182d
I think stories are a tool we use to deal with reality, which otherwise is way to vast and complex. Without stories we are just overwhelmed by it.

Stories are like paint by numbers. Without the numbers there's only dots without a picture.

Another way to look at it is that stories filter information down to a managable level on which things make sense, social bonding happens etc.

But these stories must be constantly evaluated in regards to how far they have strayed from reality. When they lose touch with reality, which is a very common phenomenon when it comes to ideology, for example, they can go on for a long time, but eventually reality will return with a vengeance.
saved 183d
One reason the movies of the ideologues suck so hard is that they are manipulative instead of archetypal.
saved 183d
Didn't find it, ended up watching dinner for Schmucks. Was dumb af but made me laugh which was all I wanted.

If it ever crosses my path I'll watch it.
saved 183d
Art School Confidential was made by an artist.
saved 183d
1 out of 100 movies is made by an artist.
99 out of 100 movies are made by assholes.
saved 183d
It's literally child cocaine.
saved 183d
God should be the only one who has followers.

Everyone else is way too blind, lost and full of ego to have followers. It's not good for them, nor is it good for their followers.

Middle-men is where most of the problems begin.
saved 183d
Is that recent? Or old?
saved 183d

69% of BSV community suffer from "Long CSW", according to a new CDC Study.

"The condition is comparable to long covid, medically there's nothing wrong with you, but you feel tired, drained, depressed and sad to the point of being unable to function."
saved 183d
BTW, Roger Ver is promoting his book Hijacking Bitcoin right now.

Would be a great time to interview him.

Ask him about what he thinks about big blockers re-uniting post-csw and what his views are on n-chain and the patent situation.

saved 183d
The BTC crowd is slowly becoming aware of the deep problems and shame that come with having a small block.

Calvin is now in control of n-wordChain.

Craig is busy suing the justice system.

This would be the perfect time for big blockers to reunite, have people like Kim and Roger Ver buy into n-chain to secure the patents, and compete with combined strength against the block-challenged community.

One big block chain without a nutty ruler.
saved 183d
Don't you think your quote is deceptive?

Here's the part directly preceeding your quote:

"Having listened carefully to all the evidence and the submissions
made to me I concluded that the evidence was overwhelming and announced the result of the Identity Issue there and then, with my written judgment to follow. In short, in my judgment, COPA had established that Dr Wright was not Satoshi Nakamoto and had not been the creator of Bitcoin and the early materials."

saved 183d
Oh stop it!

Congratulate me again and I'll sue you. I got great lawyers. The greatest lawyers. One of them is Jonathan Moss. Great guy! Amazing guy!
saved 183d

Craig Wright doubles down on his course set for BSV, promises 1 BILLION lawsuits per second by 2069.
saved 183d

In what some call a great display of the irony of history, Judge Mellor orders BSV miners to use ConfiscationTx to freeze Craig Wright's coins over fears he might run off to China, only to find out he owns no BSV whatsoever, swapped it all for BTC, Tron and SafeMoon.
saved 183d
Someone tell Judge Mellor about confiscationTx LMAO.

As someone who actually believes in individual rights I find it terrible that the state takes control of someone's resources like that, but come on! How much funnier can the law-encounter of the "welcome to law" man possibly get?
saved 183d
saved 183d
Years ago that was probably a joke…

Now it's 2024 and some people truly believe that jewels are a sinister plot to make women worship jews.

Can't make this up.

Idiocracy was way too optimistic.

/trolltoll remove @0
saved 183d

But is there any scripture that talks about the dangers of the mind, it's deceptive nature, it's tendency to serve the flesh and find excuses for what it does?

I'm not aware of any.
saved 184d
Probably nothing.

But since we are the Q of crypto, we might as well make a connection between the name, the year and the "paperboy" if we desperately need a fix.
saved 184d
Dude, wait till you realize how deep this rabbit hole goes…

Think about this: when someone says "I love juice" they are literally worshipping Jews! Same is true for chewing. When you are chewing you are literally becoming a Jew!

And don't get me started about Jupiter and Mountain Dew… D my ass!

But these people are too blind and just keep loving juice and chewing like the good little sheep that they are.

Those who are awake and aware of these nefarious plots never drink juice and we don't chew either. Personally, I only drink champagne and swallow everything whole.

To be on the safe side.
/trolltoll remove @0
saved 184d
Civilizations (and by that I mean societies with a strong tendency towards central control) are, unfortunately, just very big cults.

And when they end, just like when a cult ends, the cult may be gone, but the cultists remain.

They don't "awaken" and are now no longer cultists. Instead, they join a variety of new small cults, usually fighting each other.

Almost none of them will even consider the possibility of organizing in a non-cultish way (freedom).

Having fallen for one cult doesn't prevent people from falling for another one. On the contrary. The very psychological issues that drove them into the first cult will also drive them into the next one. And every time they will be absolutely convinced that they have become a part of the chosen ones who possess the truth.

It's easier to take a person out of a cult than to take the cult out of a person.