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saved 184d
When the great narratives of a civilization fall, many lies and deceptions become apparent - but even more new lies and deceptions are born.

For every false narrative killed, a thousand new false narratives are born. The old absurdities are quickly replaced with new ones, often more absurd.
saved 184d
Anyway, I've been down the last few days coffing my lungs out at night and it's getting real boring.

Any movies/shows you think I might enjoy somewhat?
saved 184d
He sacrificed himself to save us from the eternal bear.

Maybe Ryan was onto something.
saved 184d
I'll have to admit that I once posted a picture of my lavender which was perceived as a threat by someone.

One thing's for sure, the percentage of Twetch users who think their life is being threatened is extremely high…
saved 184d
Ironically, extreme pattern "recognition" is a part of schizophrenia.

For the right hemisphere EVERYTHING is connected.

Add the ego (fear) and now "EVERYTHING is connected and EVERYONE is after me."

The experience of everything being connected is vastly different when experienced through the eyes of love and through the eyes of fear.

The former is experienced as a kind of mystical union, the latter as paranoia.
saved 184d
One way to make sense of it I have found is to differentiate between the holy spirit (soul) and the spirit (mind).

That would make the mind the unholy spirit, so to speak, which makes sense.
saved 184d
I'm always a bit puzzled by the Christian flesh/spirit dichotomy.

First of all, the term spirit is used for two very different things, the mind and the soul.

Secondly, even if you take spirit to mean soul, the dichotomy leaves out the mind entirely, which is very strange for anyone who knows how incredibly deceptive the mind can be.

I think Christ, lucifer and satan are, besides other things, amazing symbols for the human condition of being three different things wrapped into one: body (satan), mind (lucifer) and soul (Christ).

I don't understand why it doesn't say

"The soul is willing, but flesh and mind are weak."


"For the flesh and the mind desire against the soul and the soul against flesh and mind."

Say what you want about eastern religions, but their awareness of what the mind is seems to be largely lacking in Christianity, which is very unfortunate.

Some Christians talk about this as if mind and soul were essentiall...
saved 184d
If you want order, you want people to be armed. If you want control, you want them unarmed.

Control likes to masquerade as order.

Understanding the difference between order and control is a key to seeing many things in a different light.
saved 184d
I remember actual ayyy rambling about a missing dog collar. Was that related?

Last year I took care of a friend's dog for a while. The dog had one of those collars that have three straps. One day it was gone. I looked everywhere. It drove me insane.

A couple of weeks later it suddenly appeared again in the middle of my garden.

What happened?

I can only speculate. I think my dog hid it in the bushes and then the puppies found it when they started roaming around and dragged it back to the garden.
saved 184d
He mentions it in this text.

saved 184d
I'm not sure, I guess it's in the Valis trilogy.
saved 184d
In one of his novels Philip K. Dick wrote that we are still in the time of Jesus and everything we are experiencing is an illusion based on a bet between God and the devil.

The devil claimed that people would prefer his illusions over reality and God allowed him to try it.

I always thought that was a fascinating idea.
saved 184d
Good read.

I think it's safe to assume that history is full of forgeries and lies.

But there's also a good explanation for why people suddenly lose interest in valuable information stored in tremendously expensive books:


You can't eat books or money. When civilizations fall the only thing that's of high interest is survival.

The most expensive books are worth nothing when nobody around knows what to eat for dinner.
saved 184d
I said "probably" even though there's no shortage of documents from late Rome that describe exactly that.

Are you alright? You seem to be a bit distressed.

I hope the court decision didn't throw you off balance.
saved 184d
Does anyone claim homosexuality is something new?

That would be insane.

We went from shaming to accepting to mandatory celebration.

The last part didn't happen in any other time in Western civilization.

Now the percentage of people who identify as "queer" multiplied bwcause of the celebration.

It probably did happen towards the end of all other civilizations, for example in late Rome, though.
saved 184d
Maybe because the statist boomers ran away…
saved 184d
Nobody disputes that, Kevin.

The question was why on earth would you think that selling 800k btc ($ would drop BTC 4%?

Don't be a pussy, I'm always asking polite questions. No reason to be afraid.

/trolltoll remove @0
saved 184d
It's amazing how much panic someone asking questions can spread among those who think they got the answers.
saved 184d
It's an amazing how much panic someone asking questions can spread among those who think they got the answers.
saved 184d
Please share it here when it happens.
saved 184d
I don't think the sale of 800k BTC would lead to a 4% drop… how do you arrive at that number?

BTC drops 4% all the time.

Furthermore, are you suggesting CRAIG paid off the judge to lose the case???

/trolltoll remove @0
saved 185d
What they don't understand is that the BSVers who are in the know always knew Craig was just a pompous smokescreen to distract from the real Satoj, Calvin Ayre.


Everything about this story is true, except that Cal is (1), not Scronty.

Scronty is yet another distraction.
saved 185d
Starts at 24.30
saved 185d

Alan Dershowitz puts on pants, hurries to Carribean in pursuit of P. Diddy (who now apparently calls himself PP Diddler) to "offer his services as a lawyer."

"This just sounds like a case for good old Alan!"
saved 185d
What a brilliant plan!

It's like Batman having his buttler publicly claim to be Batman, only to be humiliated and shamed when proven wrong.

Meanwhile, the real Batman does his thing and nobody's the wiser.