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saved 145d
It seems like someone really didn't like Roger Ver's new book.

It sure is some interesting timing.
saved 145d
Last time I checked it was statists who were neck deep in genocide, terrorism and pedophilia…
saved 145d
To provide evidence of your lack of self-mastery is humility. Claiming to possess an enlightenment mind is pride ;)
saved 145d
Yeah. The inner party is abroad (BTC) drinking Champagne squandering our taxes (green tax).
saved 145d
You clearly don't understand frog vision.

It means you are neck deep in the mud and wait for someone to stick a straw up your ass and blow you up to end your suffering.
saved 145d
You are not a scammer if you strongly identify as the victim of a scam.
saved 145d
Twetch resembles the end stage of the soviet union:

They keep taking your money, but everything is falling apart and there's nobody around to take responsibility.
saved 145d
We are now in the phase where the government screws the people harder every day and there's less and less lube to go around.

Once the lube is gone, the state tends to tie the people to a rape-tree (full totalitarianism) in order to keep them from resisting the abuse.
saved 146d
When the West is drowning in collectivism, which is to be expected in the last phase of the cycle, but people blame individualism for it, you understand how powerful communist propaganda really is.

The cheapest tricks are often times the most effective. The wolf putting on sheep's clothing.
saved 146d
Dugin, like all collectivists, confuses atomization with individualism. Ironically, people are most atomized where collectivism is the strongest.

The atomization in the West is a symptom of collectivism, not individualism. In fact, there can be no meaningful cooperation as a collective without free individuals. Without free individuals the collective is just a herd - and the slaughterhouse is on the horizon.

saved 146d
The end of history? No.
But maybe the beginning.
saved 146d
It's a coup attempt to call the coup a coup.
saved 146d
If the Party wins an election any insinuation of election fraud is considered a coup attempt.

If the Party loses an election "largely peaceful" protesters are activated and the Party media talks non-stop about election interference.

This is becoming the pattern all over the West.
saved 147d
Women who go to therapy invariably come to the conclusion that everyone needs therapy.
saved 147d
Fear is the ruler of the material world.
And it brings greed, corruption and control.
saved 147d
Materialists and atheists tend to vehemently deny this, but in absence of a spiritual realm and a Creator, there is only animalistic existence and it is, unsurprisingly, characterized by fear.

If there's only devouring and being devoured in a material world without meaning, fear is the adequate reaction to it.

Survival is the only goal and it is unachievable in the long run.
saved 147d
The most secular name for the spirit of matter is fear. A more religious name is the devil.

They are the same thing.

Those who worship it, interestingly, tend to give it female names and attributes. They call it grandmother, mother earth, Babalon, Kali or Hekate.
saved 147d
Giving boomers red pills is like putting LSD into the digestive tea of your grandmother.
saved 147d
It was a terrible mistake to give boomers red pills.

They all went on terrible mental horror trips because they completely lack the most basic critical thinking skills.

They'll make the most ridiculous and outlandish claims and when you ask them if there's ANY evidence for it, they look at you like you are some kind of lizard that just lost it's cloaking ability.

"Of course there's evidence! I read it on Facebook!"
saved 147d
Nothing survives the arrival of the herd.

The latest victim is conspiracy theory, which was once the domain of those looking for truth and facts using critical thinking instead of swallowing narratives hook, line and sinker.

But during Covid the herd came galloping into the field of conspiracy theory and completely destroyed it.

They used to believe the official narrative without a shred of critical thinking, now they believe any counter narrative likewise without a shred of critical thinking, no matter how retarded it may be.
saved 147d
Nothing survives the influx of the herd.

The latest victim is constantly theory, which was once the domain of those looking for truth and facts. During Covid the herd came galloping into conspiracy theory and destroyed it. They used to believe the official narrative without a shred of critical thinking, now they believe any counter narrative without a shred of critical thinking, no matter how retarded it may be.
saved 147d
The further you drift into fantasy,
The harder hits reality.
saved 147d
Americans will have a complete collective mental breakdown when they find out that besides breeding there was another thing involved in turning wolves into lapdogs:

Putting down millions of those that wouldn't submit.
saved 147d
Being grateful even to Craig is a very advanced spiritual exercise.

But it is possible: Let's imagine for a moment everyone here would have gotten fabulously rich because of BSV.

First of all, being rich makes people gay. It's like cutting off your balls. Rich people are usually weak cowards.

Secondly, most of us are way too dumb to stay rich for long. Similar to lottery winners, we would have spent it all on whores and blow and then returned to being poor but with the unbearable memory of how it was to be rich.

And the rest of us, let's face it, would have lost it all to female predators and divorce-rape, given the hilarious simpery displayed on Twetch for years.

Therefore, sincerely, thank you, Craig, for turning uncrippled Bitcoin into an absolute clown show.

And before anyone tells me that while he may have turned it into a clown show, he invented it, first of all, let me say this: if Craig is indeed Satoshi, we are looking at a Dr. Satoshi and Mr. ...
saved 148d
The Western world, as it is being devoured by the great mother archetype, is now in the hilarious situation where when a man beats up or kills his wife or girlfriend, or any other woman for that matter, he will receive a significantly less severe punishment if he starts identifying as a woman before the trial.

Because, according to the insanity that has taken over the West, some violence is worse than other violence. If a man beats/kills a woman that's "gender-based violence", which is a "hate crime", but if the perpetrator identifies as a woman, it's just common violence and results in milder sentences.

Add to that that women receive significantly milder sentences than men for the same crimes, and identifying as a woman becomes all but an get out of jail card. You might still go to jail, but a much shorter time and, on top of it all, you'll spent that time in a women's jail.

Today in the West identifying as a woman (which is as easy as getti...