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saved 148d
The more we are convinced that we got everyone else figured out, the less we got ourselves figured out.
saved 148d
Interesting. The complexity of the human experience never ceases to amaze me.

What an adventure to be thrown into!
saved 148d
The body-mind dichotomy tends to generate a false understanding of what differentiates humans from animals.

It's not our mind that makes us human, it's our soul (the ability to evaluate our mind). Our mind, if unchecked, keeps us in the animalistic state more than it makes us human.
saved 148d

UN demands Salvadoran President Nayib Bukeke "to be charged with crimes against humanity before the international court of Justice."

"Bukele declared a state of emergency in order to move against gangs and organized crime, which is a perversion of the true function of a state of emergency, which is to move against the people and strengthen the rule of criminals."
saved 148d
The infantilization will be complete when the people freak out about putting down a dog, but don't think twice about routinely bombing the "bad guys" back to the stoneage.
saved 149d
The only platform I use inspite of its outrageous censorship is YouTube. Anywhere else where I experience censorship I'm gone (yes, that includes the gay bathhouse aka Twitter/X).

Around 70% of my comments on YouTube disappear without explanation or reason, there is a long list of words like "collectivism" "government" "corruption" that I cannot use or the comment will be gone within seconds.

But, unfortunately, there is no good alternative. Remembering that Streamanity failed catastrophically is damn painful. If Bitcoin ever makes it, that will be the killer app.

But .aybe our time simply doesn't deserve uncrippled, uncraiged Bitcoin at scale.
saved 149d
Sure. Anything that body and mind (the animal) DON'T want to do.

For me, the most important part is observing them as they whine, plead, threaten and argue.

A very easy and millennia old way is to just sit or kneel for a predetermined amount of time. Body and mind will try anything to get you to stop once it becomes uncomfortable.

Winning this epic battle against the inner animal over and over is what I like to call soul-building.
saved 150d
saved 150d
Maybe try changing perspective: YOU aren't bitching, your inner bitch/animal is bitching. Good. Observe it as it bitches.

Just a thought.
saved 150d

Conservatives shocked to find out that college kids are naive, deluded, retarded and full of themselves.

"This is outrageous. I thought colleges were places of intelligence and learning. These kids are having all kinds of progressive ideas! Some say there is sexual activity."

To the question whether or not they would send their children to college anyway after what they have learned, they answered:

"Absolutely. But only after writing a stern letter expressing my discontent to the principal. What was her name again? Mrs. Gay, I believe. She will be shocked to find out what's happening here."
saved 150d
People have been teaching that, yes.

Now girls want to be boys, grow up men little girls, and whores identify as traditional wives once they hit the wall.

Reality, of course, remains unphased by all if that nonsense.
saved 150d
You could start a business that sells people their own data they payed for to put on the blockchain via Twetch.
saved 150d
Reality isn't "could be" reality is "is".
"Could be" is just the mind jerking off.
saved 150d
If I was charging people for a service I'd either provide it, or in case I'm unable to do that, apologize and refund.

I guess I'm just old…
saved 150d
I was talking morality, not strategy.
saved 150d
If you feel tempted to watch the movie adaption of 120 Days Of Sodom, be warned:

While it contains deep truths about power and corruption, it is also so incredibly disgusting that you will never be able to forget what you have seen.
saved 150d
Roger Ver did nothing wrong.
saved 150d
Most people only abandon an ideology when it negatively impacts themselves.

As the agenda unfolds, the number of people who turn against it continually grows and they are shocked to find out how you get treated once you finally speak out.

Eventually, most people will be against the agenda and at that point the gloves and masks come off and only extreme brutality and violence can keep the agenda going.
saved 150d
Kafka's nightmarish bureaucracies have been invoked when imagining our future, Fahrenheit 451, Children Of Men and, of course, Terminator, 1984 and Brave New World, but a lot actually points to The 120 Days Of Sodom.
saved 150d
Kafka's nightmarish bureaucracies have been invoked when imagining our future, Fahrenheit 451, Children Of Men and, of course, Terminaror 1984,l and Brave New World, but a lot actually points to The 120 Days Of Sodom.
saved 150d
"Reality" is only collapsing to those who took illusions for reality.
saved 150d
Did Craig get arrested?
saved 150d
You are making this up, aren't you?

If not, give a stern talking to the absolute disaster of a bank/CC company and close your account and cancel your CC
saved 151d
Kinda funny how his home was destroyed once by a hurricane and once by the government.

Makes you wonder if there's much of a difference between the two.

At least a hurricane is over pretty fast, the state can go on for centuries.

It's like a slow-motion natural disaster.
saved 151d
One way to look at the government is that it's essentially just another form of natural disaster.

It's unfortunate, it's sad, terrible and destructive, but that's just what you have to expect when you live in a disaster zone (herd).