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saved 151d
It used to be "when you grow up", now it's "if you grow up". Of course, the"if you grow up" phase cannot last very long, just like putting children in charge of the candy shop doesn't last very long.

And afterwards it's "grow up fast or die".
saved 151d
If the miracle continues post mortem - and why wouldn't it, since we know nothing else? - the face-palming about all the ridiculous whining and complaining we engaged in before death, instead of embracing the adventure, will be intense.
saved 151d
saved 151d
Saying that everything is downstream from Twitter is like saying that all water is downstream from the latrines.
saved 151d
Had to look that up. Made me laugh.
saved 151d
Welcome back to Twetch, Craig.

How are you doing? Have you digested the COPA loss somewhat? Do you have anyone you can talk to? You sound a bit off your rocker …
saved 151d

"Freedom of speech is extremely important for our democracy, but must remain within the limits determined by the Party." According to the joint statement of freedom of speech experts at the Freedom of speech symposium in Gaylord, Michigan that ended yesterday with a flamboyant penis-reveal party.
saved 152d
Central planners are really trying to sell that pandemic treaty right now.

But here's the thing: the WHO was either unwilling or unable to get to the bottom of the origins of Covid-19, the artist formerly known as Corona, or it was complicit in its creation.

Why would anyone want to give such a disaster of an organisaton more power?

Even enthusiastic vaxxers should find that preposterous.
saved 152d
The interior of an earthen house. A small light powered by a recently installed solar system over the never used white lined bed reflects from the wooden wall behind the bed and softly illuminates the brown earthen wall with a small window to the night, the bed in front of it and the light wooden floor. Hard to say whether you are looking at the painting of an European master of the olden times or a photograph.
saved 153d
There are essentially three different perspectives when it comes to the peculiarities of our time:

The first is the idea that what is happening is largely good and a step towards a better world.

The second is that bad choices and decisions got us off track and we just need to make better choices and decisions to get back to the good old times.

The third is that what we are looking at are symptoms of the inevitable decline and fall of an aging civilization.

Essentially, Liberals, Conservatives and Spenglerians.

Only the latter base their views on something else than wishful thinking.
saved 153d
I Wish Australia Had Its Guns Again
(But unironically)

saved 153d
If the 12k year cycle is real, we are in for a bumpy ride in the next years.

Of course, our central planners would blame it all on "man made climate change" and use it to take more of our rights and money away - and significantly increase their control.
saved 153d

UN warns: "talking about a supposed 'bathtub and self-care gap' is reactionary and misogynistic, could be a hate crime."

"If women were indeed taking 39 times more baths than men and spending 69 times more time and money on self-care, which UN experts doubt, then it would be a consequence of oppression and exhaustion, not a sign of privilege, which is ridiculous. After a long day of patriarchal abuse, you just need a bath."
saved 153d
Being human means having to choose over and over again between acting like an animal (body/mind) and acting like a human being (soul).
saved 153d
saved 153d
The power of being grateful the moment you accidenrally hurt yourself, instead of swearing and wallowing in self-pity, cannot be overstated.

It's very easy: Just realize immediately that it could have been so much worse. Breathe, pray, feel the pain without reacting. No reason to let the inner animal run wild.
saved 153d
Like and follow for more exclusive horoscopes.
saved 153d
I know how much you guys like astrology, so I talked to the ascended masters, with whom I'm like super close, and here is what I brought back:

As you probably know already, Mercury is in complete retardation, which is a bad sign for most of you, let's just face it. Way too much of that going around already. Enthusiastic vaxxers should look out for cancer on the horizon. Mars is transitioning to Venus, but that's already old news. Virgo is missing as you probably already know. Gemini has changed its name to "the fabulous guys" which points toward a lot of action for most of you people in the romantic department this year. BSV is going to $30 according to the stars.
saved 153d
If your belief in God depends on a book and a name, it is built on sand.
saved 153d
The best thing about rural areas is that they are sparsely populated, while the cities are overcrowded with rural people.
saved 154d
Who could have predicted that over two decades into the zombie apocalypse we are still pretty fine, all things considered.
saved 154d

"Correct information about reality could push people to extremist ideologies and terrorism" according to new UN announcement.

"People always talk about truth and facts as if they were holy cows, but what if truth and facts threaten our democracy? What if truth and facts make people extremely angry and push them to oppose the agenda? We need an entirely new and comprehensive approach to information. You can't just have random people publicly talking about things that actually happened, especially if that threatens the agenda."
saved 154d
Why? I'm scratching everyone together right now to be able to buy one BTC and help Dr. Craig out.

What are YOU doing?
saved 154d
Got a strange e-mail:

"Hey, I'm Dr. Craig Wright, scientist, philosopher, inventor, lawyer, cleric, poet and veterinarian.

I own millions of BTC (Bitcoin, which I invented), but at this moment I cannot move it, for a variety of reasons.

What does that have to do with you, you ask? A lot, actually. A bloody lot.

Look, I need 1 BTC to unlock my fortune. If you send one BTC to my secure address, I will return to you 100 (one hundred!) BTC as soon as I unlock my fortune.

Bad deal for me, bloody good deal for you. Unfortunate, I don't have a choice right now.
Risk. Finance. You understand.

Here is my safe address:

Can't wait to welcome you to the rich side. I'm shifting to full billionaire mode now.

Warm greetings,

Dr. Craig"
saved 155d
Holier Than Thou