
Joined May 01, 2018

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2282d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
Happy stresstestday to you all!!
2282d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
Happy stresstestday to you all!!
2282d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
Happy stresstestday to you all!!
2282d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
Happy stresstestday to you all!!
2282d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
Happy stresstestday to you all!!
2282d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
Happy stresstestday to you all!!
2282d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
Happy stresstestday to you all!!
replied 2282d
dies ist ein Test! stresstestbitcoin.cash
replied 2282d
I've watched a documentary on Netflix on bitcoin, but you can read more evidences on Satoshi Nakamoto wiki page
Treat the stress test as: users exercising the sys..
replied 2282d
The stress test hasn't started yet. I think we will get some big blocks...maybe not 32MB, but big.
replied 2282d
dies ist ein Test! stresstestbitcoin.cash
Stress Test vs Spam
replied 2282d
Absolutely not, this is the RAID units, the French SWAT. There's a very low chance to see them in real life. They are only 380 too.. They don't enforce anything.
Dr K
金色的卷发,大眼睛高鼻梁,尖下巴,很自然,不像是整容的。我们点了饮料,X哥问,“Are u ladyboy?",美女扯下比基尼,哈,不是人妖。然后就是礼貌问话,"where fr
replied 2282d
Thanks. I started it too. Waiting to 12 to join the official stress test!!!
Dinner paid with Bitcoin Cash 😋 https://bch.gg/ch
I am an artist.
Spread the word! Five hours till the official start of the stress test. Remember you can like memo.cash posts with 546 Satoshi's to participate in the stress test! https://stresstestbitcoin.cash/
For some reason the last 20 mins I couldn't do anything on Memo. It would get stuck on "Broadcasting". This happen to anyone else?
‪Want some free Bitcoin? Yes this is no joke, it’s a cool bot on Telegram that actually gives out Bitcoin‬


#bitcoin #cryptocurrency #ethereum #litecoin
replied 2282d
the mempool grew to 10 MB a while ago but in the end an 8 MB block was mined.
replied 2282d
it is not a coincidence largest blocks so far get closed at ~7,998.642 kbs. the mempool has exceeded that.
2282d · playBCH
Closing round #30329 bet-10000 | 30 bets | Drawn Number: 55046.727864 | Winner Number: 56042.126509 | Sent to Winner: 297000 sats | TXID: 62ad18ca26a6c4f0eb984e3422634c2062c1f33eb60582f84a5e60c4395842ae
replied 2282d
The stress test is just getting started. Patience 79b79aa8