
Joined Nov 11, 2021

Futurist. Believer. Anti-notnice. #isthistherealthingorjustfantasy.

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253k left, but i've been giving some tips sometimes, but just stingy ones, i could get through my sats quick enough by being a better tipper, maybe that'd help with retention too lol
856d · Reasons Not To Use Memo
freaky hmwyda thing
848d · Reasons To Use Memo
it has some history to it, that makes it interesting, something's happened here before
replied 889d
hi welcome to memo! what brings you here??
Memo BSV node reaching capacity. Might have to take the site down for some time. Next generation of Memo in the works!
hm ok no one here i guess! it's funny because it's a way better deal than twetch.... but i guess if you're looking for a deal there's a funny little site called twttr or something that's free lol