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saved 1403d
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saved 1413d
Noted - haven’t seen Krishna but I thought “it comes at night” was half decent. Always looking for new directors on the come up
saved 1413d
Nope, worthwhile I assume?
saved 1417d
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saved 1430d
Haven’t seen this still - why do you think Kubrick passed it off the Spielberg and didn’t complete it himself?

Worth watching?
saved 1432d
Covid turned Joe Rogan into a radio jockey hosting Skype interviews
saved 1432d
saved 1432d
Rand succumbs to this form of Satan - reverence of the rational, deification of great men as the ultimate ideal. Rearden to me is admirable but I would never want to emulate his sad life - Dagny is most appealing, free in her relationships AND her ambition
saved 1432d
That said, I like the idea of Jesus’ final temptation being his sacrifice and the final veil of Satan, and his resurrection as a folly that has driven humanity towards the moment we are in now.
saved 1432d
There needs to be some balance between accepting the challenge of Satan and wealth (materialism, angel fallen from the sublime into the rational) and submitting to a higher power that views humanity in a scope beyond competition and capitalistic success
saved 1432d
“If thou be the son of god, command that these stones he made bread. But Jesus resisted the temptation.”

Lol as if anyone could do that if they wanted to

Mans starving in the wilderness resisting the urge to magically turn rocks into food
saved 1432d
It might be the willingness of sacrifice vs. sacrifice in itself. If your mindset is geared towards giving everything up in the name of a higher power you will be gifted with what you desire

Not a historical justification but a metaphysical reading
saved 1432d
One of the lines that always perplexed me was: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”

Those sound like the words of a man regretting the situation he got himself in, not a demigod

it interests me in that it draws a line between freewill and fate
saved 1432d
Sacrifice of the son Jesus to god the father is not as interesting to me as the sacrifice of an influential man in favour of the generations to come-not of his bloodline but of his ideological heritage. Love the idea of thoughts permeating beyond blood/man
saved 1432d
No I think Jesus represents a progression of that archetype. Sacrifice for your blood is not the same as sacrifice for posterity in general. The former is ingrained biologically and the latter is a moral development in human culture
saved 1432d
Also convinced he was a shaman and had extensive experience with psychedelics and out-of-body experiences connecting with the non-physical realm of spirits and entities

Just in case any Catholics were excited about my devotion
saved 1432d
The narrative is powerful in itself not any specificities of the gospel

Again, not a Christian, but the archetype of a god fearing, god loving, man of the people, of the sick, the indigent, who loses everything for them is a strong archetype to aspire to
saved 1432d
Jesus remains my idol despite all (Not raised Christian)

Not because I believe he was part man part god but because I think the concept of self sacrifice for the good of posterity on any scale is the measure for which we all subscribe to for posterity
saved 1432d
Welcome to Twetch!
saved 1434d
@3 will you accept the election results and agree to a peaceful transition of power?
saved 1434d
Got out of the city for a few days

Loving the silence🙏