Mcderpovich Schuttelstab

Joined Sep 01, 2018

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set name to Mcderpovich Schuttelstab 2371d
Mcderpovich Schuttelstab
Trump is a fool and his tax cuts have increased deficit spending to enormous levels. Now when the economy melts down in 2-3 years they will debase the value of fiat again through QE and zero interest rates.
Mcderpovich Schuttelstab
replied 2371d
White men are people too
France has 10% Muslim population but other western euro countries have less. If current trends continue there are those who say France could be majority Muslim in 2057
replied 2371d
It makes no sense to compare looking at a one day chart. They all trade differently. Look at the 1 yr chart if you really want to know how adoption is going. Come on now.
2372d · Donald Trump Rapes and Murders Children
This is my first post on! I’m super excited to be here BCHs! So happy to have a place to go where I am not being stalked by Reddit Core Trolls lol :D
2372d · Bitcoin Cash
I guess that's why I am not a trader traitor (JK). But there were certainly better times last year, when I felt like I had money to spare. I guess this is a common enough feeling. Just saying.
Mcderpovich Schuttelstab
replied 2373d
Will check out your proposal. Current plan is to use ECDH.
I #DeletedFacebook in 2010. I saw this shit storm a mile away. I recommend everyone else do the same and switch to Memo.
Twitter banned Alex Jones, Someone needs to let him know about
Mcderpovich Schuttelstab
replied 2373d
He is such a fuck-wit.
I just wanna thank r/bitcoin. If it wasn't for their heavy censorship I would've never found r/btc and I would've never found
Mcderpovich Schuttelstab
replied 2373d
Hopefully this and other applications will give the bch blockchain ongoing lasting organic uses which fill up the blocks.
I think every time Roger gives bch to random people he should also direct them to in order to do something useful with it.
Why are so many cryptocurrency enthusiasts enamored of Trump? As a member of the Guns and Dope party, I'm just not getting it.
2373d · US Politics/Trump
Trump is such a fucking embarrassment. How anyone still supports him is mystifying.
voted No 2375d
created poll 2375d
Is BitcoinXio at r/btc, also known as David Shares, bias towards Bitmain/ABC and censoring SV supporters?
Yes 6 votes · 2,000 satoshis
No 2 votes · 0 satoshis


voted November 1st 2377d
created poll 2377d
When should the next stresstest be?
November 1st 4 votes (4 unique) · 0 satoshis
December 15th 1 votes (1 unique) · 0 satoshis
December 1st 3 votes (3 unique) · 0 satoshis
November 5th 3 votes (3 unique) · 1,440 satoshis
November 15th 1 votes (1 unique) · 0 satoshis
November 30th 0 votes (0 unique) · 0 satoshis
December 5th 0 votes (0 unique) · 0 satoshis
December 20th 1 votes (1 unique) · 0 satoshis
Never. 1 votes (1 unique) · 1,234 satoshis


replied 2377d
Not needed: the mempool is less than 8MB at the moment.,8h
Mcderpovich Schuttelstab
replied 2378d
Sure sounds like CT0 is definitely going to be needed if we will continue to scale. Surely not worth forking over.
2378d ·
3/3 ABC vs. CSW vs. Whomever will eventually end up with one or more chain with differeing magic number. One of them will be Bitcoin Cash by a process external to Nakamoto Consensus.
replied 2378d
Unfucking believable how my transactions still go through and are cheap/fast...I came here from ETH lol...
Mcderpovich Schuttelstab
replied 2378d
Just fyi, I sent you 600,000 satoshis