Mcderpovich Schuttelstab

Joined Sep 01, 2018

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Mcderpovich Schuttelstab
2370d · US Politics/Trump
Mcderpovich Schuttelstab
replied 2371d
Yes, assuming your coins are held by you or someone who supports the fork.
Mcderpovich Schuttelstab
replied 2371d
Fuck CSW.
Mcderpovich Schuttelstab
replied 2371d
Obvious shill
Mcderpovich Schuttelstab
replied 2371d
Fucking A cotton
Mcderpovich Schuttelstab
replied 2371d
En Fri Mand
Buy now because once this hurdle is past people will pile back in. Unless of course we stumble over the hurdle. 😆
Mcderpovich Schuttelstab
Trump is a fool and his tax cuts have increased deficit spending to enormous levels. Now when the economy melts down in 2-3 years they will debase the value of fiat again through QE and zero interest rates.
Mcderpovich Schuttelstab
replied 2371d
White men are people too
France has 10% Muslim population but other western euro countries have less. If current trends continue there are those who say France could be majority Muslim in 2057
Mcderpovich Schuttelstab
Mcderpovich Schuttelstab
replied 2373d
He is such a fuck-wit.
Mcderpovich Schuttelstab
replied 2373d
Hopefully this and other applications will give the bch blockchain ongoing lasting organic uses which fill up the blocks.
Mcderpovich Schuttelstab
replied 2377d
Sure sounds like CT0 is definitely going to be needed if we will continue to scale. Surely not worth forking over.
Mcderpovich Schuttelstab
replied 2377d
Just fyi, I sent you 600,000 satoshis
Mcderpovich Schuttelstab
I can't wait for the new BullShit Version "BSV" coin.
Mcderpovich Schuttelstab
2378d · supposedly. But I send 500 and it was taking forever to process
Mcderpovich Schuttelstab
2378d ·
I want to send 200k transactions all at once but I'm not confident it will work
Mcderpovich Schuttelstab
2378d ·
Is there something else besides that can send out a lot of transactions?
Mcderpovich Schuttelstab
2378d ·
Yeah it's a bummer there is obviously some other bottleneck. I'm willing to send 200,000 transactions but I doubt it c
Mcderpovich Schuttelstab
2378d ·
Is not able to send enough transactions fast enough to create a huge backlog of transactions or are not enough people spending the money?
Mcderpovich Schuttelstab
replied 2378d
About 4 hours ago there were some 82,000 transactions pending but it has since dropped way off. Is this because of lack of funding of the stress testing programs people have built?
Mcderpovich Schuttelstab
2378d ·
Will it be possible for the stress test to broadcast enough transactions to fill up the mempool past 32mb?
Mcderpovich Schuttelstab
Glad to join the party