
Joined Aug 31, 2018

Goodnight Springton!

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replied 2125d
Theodor Dickens
No worries :)
Theodor Dickens
replied 2125d
god damn it i tipped 10x the ammount I wanted to
replied 2125d
Because you can use multiple payment methods and not everyone has Badger. The account is to simply connect people, how you choose to trade is up to the participants.
REMINDER: The BCH peer-to-peer and anonymous exchange opens in 18 days. It's a game changer, you can sign up now! My referral: https://local.bitcoin.com/r/Hakametal

No photos, no passports, all anonymous.
followed 2303d
Bye SV, you were pretty annoying from the start.
Maybe this is actually about destroying BTC.

Maybe Jihan, Craig, Calvin, Roger and other miners are trying to instigate a hash war by taking the hash from BTC.

Maybe this was already planned and they're all in on it
Memo now has such a massive divide within it. It’s super sad to see us this way. Let’s pull it back in guys. We are all here for Bitcoin Cash. Can’t we all just enjoy the show and eat some popcorn together?
In a few hours, we will see just how valuable BCH is to miners. Will it be defended against a raging alcoholic, or will it be left to the dogs.

Whatever happens, Bitcoin is evolving.
Soy boys think proof of social media works. Well yeah when I got my sockpuppets in gear. Cause I'm the Hero and everyone against me is the enemy. At least that's what my suckers, I mean followers believe.
If SV/CSW manages to take over BCH I will loose faith in Bitcoin as a concept and will be looking to reduce my position. I think many feel the same as me...
replied 2309d
Good luck. See you all on the other side.
2309d · memo
Two days left until fork day. I will go dark soon (on memo, not on twitter) and remove my funds (however small) so that I can fully control how I use them.
voted Win the hash battle 20,000 sat 2309d
created poll 2309d
After 15 Nov ABC will
Cease to exist 4 votes · 0 satoshis
Change POW algorithm 8 votes · 0 satoshis
Fork with minority hashrate 4 votes · 0 satoshis
Win the hash battle 14 votes · 21,000 satoshis


replied 2309d
I wouldn't judge the hashpower until after the fork. Things will change.
replied 2309d
You are a fool to rejoice a single entity controlling 80% of the hashpower. If you wanted money printed and controlled by a money-printing monopoly, you should just use dollars.
followed 2309d
There is a difference between an honest miner and a 51% attacker.

If you can't tell the difference, then I'm afraid Nakamoto Consensus and POW is flawed. I will not be apart of that system.
replied 2310d
What you actually mean is, 51% ATTACKERS RULE!
The problem is not POW. The problem is POW on BCH, which is the minority chain of BTC. Nakamoto Concensus only works if miners are competing for profit. Miners are not incentivized to defend the BCH chain.

"Miners decide the protocol and only hash matters", is NOT an excuse for a 51% attack. Wake up. Dishonest chains are still dishonest.
replied 2354d
It's a boy, 8lbs. 😴
replied 2358d
The thing is BCH does what dash does, better. Without the masternode nonsense and not nearly all premined..
2381d · 3D Art
replied 2358d
Nice to see more art on here! Hope you like Memo :)