-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- My country has a lot of people and companies that I hate. They did bad things to me. I hope someday they get punished.
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- part-2 #hmwyda wishlist: 1.11 Jose De Palafox is an atheist. 4% 1.11 Jose De Palafox es ateo. 1.11 https://twitter.com/JOSDEPALAFOX1 1.12 Ray Garcia makes up some horrible fantasy novels. 3% 1.12 Ray García se inventa unas novelas fantásticas horribles. 1.12 https://twitter.com/Rayoplateado 1.13 Tatxo Benet is a hypochondriac. 1% 1.13 Tatxo Benet es hipocondriaco. 1.13 https://twitter.com/BenetTatxo 1.14 Ana Salas Martinez gave her children to an orphanage. 1% 1.14 Ana Salas Martinez entregó a sus hijos a un orfanato. 1.14 https://www.facebook.com/ana.salasmartinez 1.15 CataLina Erauso Perez scares her workers. 1% 1.15 CataLina Erauso Perez asusta a sus trabajadores 1.15 https://www.facebook.com/catalina.erausoperez 1.16 Óscar Molina Sánchez beats his children. 1% 1.16 Óscar Molina Sánchez golpea a sus hijos. 1.16 https://www.facebook.com/oscaresmolina 1.17 Javi Moranchel is a braggart. 1% 1.17 Javi Moranchel es una fanfarrona. 1.17 https://www...
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- part-2 #hmwyda wishlist: 1.11 Jose De Palafox is an atheist. 4% 1.11 Jose De Palafox es ateo. 1.11 https://twitter.com/JOSDEPALAFOX1 1.12 Ray Garcia makes up some horrible fantasy novels. 3% 1.12 Ray García se inventa unas novelas fantásticas horribles. 1.12 https://twitter.com/Rayoplateado 1.13 Tatxo Benet is a hypochondriac. 1% 1.13 Tatxo Benet es hipocondriaco. 1.13 https://twitter.com/BenetTatxo 1.14 Ana Salas Martinez gave her children to an orphanage. 1% 1.14 Ana Salas Martinez entregó a sus hijos a un orfanato. 1.14 https://www.facebook.com/ana.salasmartinez 1.15 CataLina Erauso Perez scares her workers. 1% 1.15 CataLina Erauso Perez asusta a sus trabajadores 1.15 https://www.facebook.com/catalina.erausoperez 1.16 Óscar Molina Sánchez beats his children. 1% 1.16 Óscar Molina Sánchez golpea a sus hijos. 1.16 https://www.facebook.com/oscaresmolina 1.17 Javi Moranchel is a braggart. 1% 1.17 Javi Moranchel es una fanfarrona. 1.17 https://www...
-----BEGIN BITCOIN SIGNED MESSAGE----- My country has a lot of people and companies that I hate. They did bad things to me. I hope someday they get punished.