YES! all NASA do is fake! earth is flat
moon landing is fake but the earth is round.
“The most effective way to destroy people is to obliterate their history”
The Book of Mormon is not an accurate record of ancient american inhabitants.
Scientology is a cult.
Core trolls are not misguided. They are satanic saboteurs.
Operation Blockstream is a Bilderberg conspiracy.
We are ruled by satanic pedophiles.
The moon landing was fake.
9/11 was an inside job.
conspiracy is reality
“In a time of deceit telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
In 2032 they will look at memo and lol at how we paid a fortune to shitpost
Yes but unavoidable. Shitpost is fertilizer.
i tried to warn you
Holy Shit!
The truth will always be hate speech to those who hate the truth.
reality - the only place to get a decent meal