
Joined Aug 31, 2018

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replied 2047d
I'm redoing my math and I'm fairly certain I'm wrong because now I'm getting something like $540 so I'm not sure what I did last time.
replied 2047d
I saw a $3,000 - $4,000 floating around somewhere.
replied 2047d
I did some rough estimates that it would cost somewhere like $14k to hit the goal of 5,000,000 transactions (I think, can't really remember) so it's not expensive at all.
replied 2047d
This gives me an amazing amount of anxiety just looking at it.
2048d · US Politics/Trump
3 phases of #Communism
Memo just passed 3804 total users.
Memo just passed 3804 total users.
replied 2048d
don't forget https://gab.ai
replied 2048d
Right now Memo is like a hybrid between 4chan/Twitter/and reddit.
replied 2048d
We need to consider what the platform would be like if there were 10x 100x and 1000x the users. I think there's a reason Twitter doesn't have a front page like this.
replied 2048d
Great thinking! Video hosting is planned :)
Clearly, there is an issue with people being able to spam or abuse the algorithm. I don't 100% know of a solution to this. Any algorithm will be able to be abused in some way. Maybe add downvotes?
replied 2048d
I like, sort of like a dtube but for BCH.
I just donated to BCHpizza.org this is a great way for us to encourage adoption of BCH by offering monetary incentives.
Dump and pump.
replied 2049d
Yeah, it was amazing to watch. Also thanks for the huge tip!
voted Bitcoin.com 2050d
created poll 2050d
Which BCH wallet do you use?
Electron Cash 19 votes (18 unique) · 550 satoshis
Bitcoin.com 28 votes (26 unique) · 1,146 satoshis
Handcash 6 votes (5 unique) · 0 satoshis
BTC.com 0 votes (0 unique) · 0 satoshis
Coinbase 1 votes (1 unique) · 0 satoshis
Jaxx 0 votes (0 unique) · 0 satoshis
Bitcoin Cash wallet 1 votes (1 unique) · 600 satoshis
other (indicate in reply) 10 votes (10 unique) · 600 satoshis


Animals are delicious... Just thought this fact should be stored on the blockchain forever.
replied 2050d
Vegans and their endless rants are the reason why I have no wish to become one. I also love good quality beef, lamb, wild bore and venison and so on. Yummy stuff. Damn, I am hungry now
followed 2050d
Animals are delicious... Just thought this fact should be stored on the blockchain forever.
replied 2050d
People smoke regardless of the risks. The same is true of eating meat. Even if the cherrypicked studies were true that meat was bad for you. People would still do it.
A bug that allows miners willing to burn 12.5 BTC to crash the Bitcoin Core nodes. BU, ABC, XT not Affected!! :D