Here's what Brett Kavanaugh really wants to say "Fuck you all, when I get on the supreme court I'll vote against every fucking thing you want and for everything you despise."
The Dems better hope they prevent Kavanaugh from being confirmed. If he gets confirmed he will have 25+ years on the court to remember how he was mistreated by the Democrats.
These #kavanaughhearings are an embarrassment on the justice system. That a man's life can be destroyed based on accusations with no evidence is disgusting. #BelieveSurvivors when there is evidence.
I started using Memo because someone donated a small amount of BCH to me to get me started. We need to start a campaign to get every r/btc member some BCH so they can join us here.
Listen to these tools (7:58) "Bitcoin core developers are the best" Idiots, Bitcoin core devs put the bug in there. A BCH dev found the bug, not an anonymous developer. Fools:
Clearly, there is an issue with people being able to spam or abuse the algorithm. I don't 100% know of a solution to this. Any algorithm will be able to be abused in some way. Maybe add downvotes?
Only people who don't have a proper understanding of #capitalism think it's bad. Anyone who knows the fundamentals knows that life would suck without it.
At the core, Capitalism is the right to keep the fruits of your labor. Socialism is where the government takes your fruits and redistributes them, thereby removing the incentive to create or produce anything.
I just have to say this. The freedom to say anything without worrying that I'm going to be banned by an overzealous Reddit moderator is one of the greatest things about Memo!