
Joined Aug 31, 2018

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replied 2072d
It's not supported on twitter or any other social network I could find. I don't think it's a particularly big issue let alone a priority.
This guy has some good ideas on scaling Memo with Hash Tokens:
This is cool, you can search the different #hashtags on the #hashtags page https://memo.cash/t/hashtags. #memofeatures
This is cool, you can search the different #hashtags on the #hashtags page https://memo.cash/t/hashtags. #memofeatures
2073d · Capitalism
Only people who don't have a proper understanding of #capitalism think it's bad. Anyone who knows the fundamentals knows that life would suck without it.
followed 2073d
replied 2074d
mmp what?
replied 2074d
Wow, you really are a clueless one.
replied 2074d
Your statistic is wrong. But even an American living in poverty makes more money than 90% of the rest of the world. What was that you were saying about Capitalism ruining lives?
replied 2074d
All you have are insults. You can't make an argument to save your life. Good luck with it.
replied 2074d
Jim Carrey? Is that you?
replied 2074d
Jim Carrey? Is that you?
replied 2074d
All socialism does is destroy the incentives for people to work. There is no balancing as the scales go to zero when you run out of other peoples money to spend. Learn basic economics.
replied 2074d
The US has the highest median income of any country. Poor people in the U.S. would be filthy rich in 80% of the rest of the world. Of course they will have the highest inequality.
replied 2074d
In free market capitalism, you can't take the fruits of labor from anyone without their consent (or its slavery). If you willingly give your labor to someone else that's your choice.
replied 2074d
You actually spent money to type something so retarded. It's called human capital. Since you don't have any I can see why you think it wouldn't exist
replied 2074d
Your labor is capital so everyone is born with the capacity to trade it.
At the core, Capitalism is the right to keep the fruits of your labor. Socialism is where the government takes your fruits and redistributes them, thereby removing the incentive to create or produce anything.
At the core, Capitalism is the right to keep the fruits of your labor. Socialism is where the government takes your fruits and redistributes them, thereby removing the incentive to create or produce anything.
voted I'm still in. 2074d
created poll 2079d
If nChain (et al.) are successful in becoming the dominant development team and reference client, are you still interested in Bitcoin Cash?
I'm still in. 25 votes · 3,077 satoshis
I'd support forking BCH. 2 votes · 0 satoshis
Not sure / Show results 1 votes · 600 satoshis
I'd move to another coin. 6 votes · 600 satoshis


voted Denial 2074d
created poll 2075d
What the crypto market feeling right now? Ref:
Complacency 0 votes · 0 satoshis
Anxiety 2 votes · 0 satoshis
Panic 0 votes · 0 satoshis
Denial 6 votes · 0 satoshis
Capitulation 0 votes · 0 satoshis
Anger 0 votes · 0 satoshis
Depression 3 votes · 0 satoshis
Disbelief 1 votes · 0 satoshis


followed 2075d
set profile pic 2075d