
Joined Aug 31, 2018

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replied 2081d
We should try to keep the high transactions going for as long as possible. The network can handle it.
It'd be great for Memo to have a tagging feature with @'s, #Hashtags would also be great to search posts and topics by. #memofeatures.
2081d · Bitcoin Cash
"... Nobody attacks what isn't dangerous. What's dangerous is P2P e-cash. We just proved we can scale 20x past BTC. So now the gloves are really off."
2083d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
Who is doing stress test 2.0? Txns are still soaring.
replied 2085d
That's the thing, with capitalism people volunteer for the job that they want. In pinko commie socialist land, you are voluntold what job you will do.
replied 2085d
Deregulation is opening up the path for competitors of the monopolists who abuse their power. Therefore fixing the issue and not like this "meme" assumes shooting himself in the foot.
En Fri Mand
2086d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
2 million txs last 24h.
Bitcoin Core stuck waiting for the bus
2086d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
21000 tip to first 21 replies - Go!
The 546 Thread, Can we get 546 comment replies to this with one 546 tip for each one? Comment so I can get the ball rolling.
replied 2086d
Spread the word! Five hours till the official start of the stress test. Remember you can like memo.cash posts with 546 Satoshi's to participate in the stress test! https://stresstestbitcoin.cash/