
Joined Apr 15, 2018

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1795d · Bitcoin SV
We knew that's coming, we just didn't know when. Congrats to Craig, I'm happy for him he got his rightful place in krypto. Let him build further, this is just the beginning.
voted CentBee 1815d
created poll 1815d
What is the best Bitcoin BSV wallet?
HandCash 0 votes · 0 satoshis
CentBee 1 votes · 0 satoshis
Simply Cash 0 votes · 0 satoshis
Money Button 0 votes · 0 satoshis
Other 0 votes · 0 satoshis


1830d · memo
Today Memo celebrates 1 year since launch! Thanks to everyone who helped make Memo one of the top dapps in crypto!
1853d · Bitcoin SV
Bitstagram is my favorite app! BSV used block space surpasses BTC for day number 2 now!! Yay!!
replied 1855d
We do not yet have support for Bitstagram but we are planning on supporting it and other protocols in the future. No timeline currently though.
replied 1854d
1855d · Bitcoin SV
Countries should tokenize their currency on #BitcoinSV
replied 1856d
1856d · Brexit
I fail to understand why Britain decided to leave, they were major power in EU and could influence others to stop Germany's and France's dominant role.
replied 1856d
The faster they move to Bitcoin the better for them. As long as they chose wisely the real Bitcoin.
1856d · Passive Cryptocurrency Income
If it's not Bitcoin, it's not worth touching.
replied 1856d
Yes they are different, once the unsplit coins run out, all messages will be different. Now some of them are broadcast on both chains , because unsplit coins are used.
replied 1856d
It does feel faster.
replied 1857d
The question is if you really want to be a multi coin project.
1858d · memo
What's the roadmap for #memo? Initial hype ended and split also cased further decline, so wondering what's the plan for the future :)
1862d · Tesla
I like it, but it is so expensive :(
1894d · Bitcoin SV
unwriter alone is a huge advantage for BSV. That person is incredible. Lots of people don’t get concept of unchanged platform. Amaury too because he is blinded by his own needs/relevancy/ego.
replied 1897d
My life is so miserable... I wish I received more likes. ☹️😩
1899d · Ed
BITCOIN has massive amount of PROPAGANDA around it & you are likely victim of it.
1897d · memo
Well memo should work on onboarding more people. Not sure if there is any incentive for them to do it though.
1904d · Bitcoin Cash
what if you are wrong?
replied 1906d
It is planned to support profile images that are stored on-chain.
1906d · memo
@memo could you add support for this long image links as profile pictures?
replied 1928d
Hashwar ended, so they were turned off.