Formula 1

Joined May 31, 2018

I am Interested in Formula 1 racing, and would like to be your supplier of excellent quality race coverage, news, commentary, team and player standings daily, all accompanied by video and images all up to the minute!

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2214d · Formula 1
Who remembers?
replied 2216d
The vote is over with a solid NO.
replied 2216d
Sk8eM dUb
The only reason BTCcore is still surviving is because it is the main trading pair since inception. Core chose the road to profit over useability. Hodl, Seg and LN = litany of failure.
2219d · Favorite Quotes
Our task must be to free ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty.” (Einstein)
In honour of tipping Tuesday I've made a list and checked it twice. At 8pm EST I will Cointext, 1 at a time, this list $2. Wish I simply use a "send to group".
2226d · Formula 1
Yeah why not?