
Joined Feb 19, 2021

Young professional translator. Two kids. Dream to live in Uruguai

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1155d · hmwyda
1169d · memo
Hi! I am looking for a little donation. I am working as a translator and I have a pretty short wishlist:

I will be grateful for any, even littlest donation. Thank you very much!
1) Car repair - $100
2) Personal studio site - $110
3) Gift to my wife - $300 (a necklace)

ready to donate 20-30% of sum to other people
Thank you!

1Mbehx1z3cx6WQZCGhX5617W1zNFcGeLA5 - my wallet
1169d · hmwyda - wishlists (donations here)
Hi! I am looking for a little donation. I am working as a translator and I have a pretty short wishlist:

1) Car repair - $100
2) Personal studio site - $110
3) Gift to my wife - $300 (a necklace)

ready to donate 20-30% of sum to other people
Thank you!

1Mbehx1z3cx6WQZCGhX5617W1zNFcGeLA5 - my wallet
1169d · 10k Satoshi for Follow me
1Mbehx1z3cx6WQZCGhX5617W1zNFcGeLA5 - I forgot to leeave the wallet, sorry (message higher, im translator)
1169d · 10k Satoshi for Follow me
Hi! I am looking for a little donation. I am working as a translator and I have a pretty short wishlist:

1) Car repair - $100
2) Personal studio site - $110
3) Gift to my wife - $300 (a necklace)

ready to donate 20-30% of sum to other people
Thank you!
1169d · hmwyda
Came here through the puzzle in the btc addresses.
It is interesting idea. So, here is my address too: 1Mbehx1z3cx6WQZCGhX5617W1zNFcGeLA5
I will be very grateful for any donations! Thanks ahead!