
Joined Apr 19, 2018

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2414d · Work
Bch could use some mrbeast style promotion in conjunc
2414d · Work
Listed on the site but respondents must to be registered, and the job entry never dies. Oh well
2415d · Work
followed topic Work 2415d
2415d · Work
For offering jobs/projects/work/contracts for time+effort+resources transactions. Link from here to a transient website entry so it can be appropriately revised/deleted/updated/etc.
2418d · Capitalism
Capitalism is more successful and pragmatic, so attracts more attention than Marxism. Nobody likes people who murder hundreds of millions of people.
2418d · Capitalism
While the Marx topic dwindles in stagnation, boredom, and uselessness. LightRider: closet capitalist in spite of being a shilling troll
2418d · Capitalism
LightRider, aside from being a shill for the communist elite who would massively profit from global enslavement known as communism, is most ironically contributing to the capital of this topic.
2418d · Capitalism
In any case, I have to get back to work. People are depending on me to provide for them and it feels good to be productive and needed! 😊
2418d · Marx
*starved 100+ million to death. Nobody knows the actual count because people don't matter in communism. Disgusting.
2418d · Marx
"From 2005 to 2015, the number of undernourished persons globally fell from 884 million to 685 million, or a 22.5 percent decline" Marxism starved 100+ million.
2418d · Marx
As of now, Marx has 652 topic posts on Memo & Capitalism has 5,642. This inequality cannot stand, man. Filthy capitalist scum are hoarding all the posts in their topic. Demand redistribution of posts!
replied 2418d
That depiction of leftist fantasy world is even worse than the right wing version: So much ridiculous dehumanization on both sides.
2418d · Capitalism
lulz... blatantly dishonest meme
2425d · Blockstream Memes and Dumb Quotes
2425d · entrepreneurs
Blockchain apps that offer competitive solutions to conflict resolution would be worth pursuing.
2425d · The-One-Law
Yes. Coercion is wrong in the absence of harm.
2425d · The-One-Law
The One Law is a useful tool to identify Authoritarians with agendas against Freedom. Merely ask if The One Law is crazy: Authoritarians will always answer "YES"
2426d · Bitcoin Cash
What is the strategy for countering the "corner the market" attack of limited supply BCH? Anyone know?
2427d · Capitalism
Socialists and rocks probably have a very similar level of consciousness. Start investigating there.
2427d · Capitalism
Nah, it's metaphorical in that Neo (the new) morphed by becoming one through trinity, and asserted ownership of his body, mind & soul.
replied 2428d
So true. Military, law, medicine, finance, government (also law) all fit. Oddly, tech doesn't, but low barriers to entry. Contract killers... like that movie Gross Point Blank
2428d · Capitalism
The most effective unions will always be in the professions with the highest skill, high barriers to entries and already high market wages, but it is understood (mistakenly) that is the opposite
replied 2428d
Interesting. Thanks.
replied 2428d
Try sending your coins to LocalBitcoins or any gambling site. Coinbase will ban your account for TOS violations. They watch your money, after it leaves their exchange.