Were doing it guys! The Bitcoin Cash Developer Fund goal has been inceased to 1600 BCH! Go donate and support the future of p2p cash! 😎👌🚀 40 days left!
Today our team of designers, developers & #BitcoinCash experts brought a massive upgrade to Bitcoin.com. A new brand, new features, an improved look for onboarding the world to p2p cash. So proud right now #dailymemo
Big thanks to Akane for hosting another great Tokyo meetup! Shoutout to CheapLightning! We presented local.bitcoin.com to a room full of new users. Trading with your fellow man is an inalienable human right✌️
I've never been more proud of the Bitcoin.com team. The last few months have been hard. Late nights, early mornings, weekend hardships, but very big things to come. Stay tuned! 🏆 Great work team! #dailymemo
Seeing some serious growth over the last couple days. Michael still hammering more features into our p2p trading platform with non custodial escrow. Feels good! 🐸