
Joined Aug 15, 2018

"No one loves socialism quite like a moron who has never experienced it firsthand..."

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Why is there press fawning over McCain now when in 2008 they considered him an idiot? And does noone remember his "Bomb bomb Iran" song?
2288d · Bitcoin Cash
I don't know if it is because he is a conman, but I actually expected Craig to be smarter than this. Copy-pasting somebody's (public) code to prove he is C/C++ teacher. What a moron.
replied 2288d
Ubuntu user here. I took the plunge within the last two years, and I have to say my productivity has gone through the roof!
2288d · Shit Talk
Samson mow is a faggot. Everybody knows that
2287d · Memes
2288d · Craig Wright is a Fraud
No one hates CSW because he wants to scale. They hate him because he wants to monopolize the development of Bitcoin under the lie that he is Satoshi.
replied 2288d
Oh, I'm not here to debate you. That would be a waste of my time. Nah, I'd rather laugh at you and compare you to other conspiracy theorists like you. Eat shit.
Bitcoin is the biggest in-your-face bitch-slap in history, it can not be non confrontational.
Sk8eM dUb
2288d · #911Truth
Here's a fun one. Mythbusters couldn't melt steel with thermite but this guy did it in his backyard
2288d · US Politics/Trump
Silly troll... McStain died for his treason to the great US of A. He will not be missed or remembered.
2290d · playBCH
Received bet of 10000 sats | TXID: 26d4c52ed0f66003983040d70ea5260cb7f1606411a692a9a1c5e5745a97c57a | Round #30269 | Your Lucky Number is 18699.765114 | Good Luck!
2290d · playBCH
Received Bet: 10000 sats - TXID: 85aadbfffb3abdbef19128541ecc34fbd1a14646acf3013bd5a32620de80667d - Round: 30267 Bet Number: 3732.956797 good luck!
2292d · memo
I'd like it if I could add a tip to a comment in the same way a tip can be added to a like.
2292d · playBCH
Received Bet: 10000 sats - TXID: 878d32b732e272436df89b41d13aabe1c6a1a8424d5af3bc0edaff0b1368175e - Round: 30254 Bet Number: 47570.229086 good luck!
replied 2292d
🤖 1 BCH = 529.15$ 📈 0.71%
Tips = fuel️
The BTC github is controlled by Core and Blockstream is funded and controlled by the Digital Currency Group, directed by Central and private banking: Glenn Hutchins, Larry Summers, Blythe Masters, Barry Silbert.
2293d · Capitalism
Communist is the economic system for lazy ass rats with no ambitions.
2293d · Stresstesting *Wallets*
I've just downloaded and installed every single android wallet for #BCH listed on the https://www.bitcoincash.org/ site. In the coming days I'll fund each with $10 or so.
The only compromise for November is NO CHANGE WHATSOEVER. Every proposed change is risky according to the other side. So, time out until you've ironed things out. The best world currency is not your code playground.
If a currency is loosing value, and there is demand for Bitcoin, but there is no demand for the failing currency. How does one facilitate an exchange?

Through goods & services, paid with Bitcoin.
2322d · What was the last great film you watched?
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri