
Joined Apr 30, 2018

Twitter = @cryptoshoppe2
Gab = @cryptoshoppe

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Jihan Wu thinks Dr. Kreig Super Wrong (CSW) is controlled opposition. But is Deadal Nix and Wu going to save #BitcoinCash with #WormholeCash?

You can't back something with something you burned (destroyed)
Did anyone debunk or prove BitcoinCobra is Luke DashJr? Seem to agree with each other way too much on Twitter.

#Bitcoin #BTC
followed topic Goodbye Twitter 2296d
2296d · Goodbye Twitter
Memo would be better with 400 character limit (like GAB) or more.
2296d · Goodbye Twitter
I like Mastodon, but crypto people rarely use it. It's still centrailized but federated so people could get lucky and pick a server with good admin(s).
2296d · CSW Blogs
2297d · BCH Mastodon?
2297d · BCH Mastodon?
2297d · BCH Mastodon?
Mastodon requires mailgun, which stops being free after a threshold.
followed topic BCH Mastodon? 2297d
2297d · BCH Mastodon?
GAB AI is cool but Crypto Following is rather meager. Pretty much MAGA Guys, Pro-Jewish Guys, and White Nationalists there.
2297d · BCH Mastodon?
I love memo but character limit sucks. Mastodon is pretty close to Twitter since it's got that feel and hashtagging.
2297d · BCH Mastodon?
Is there is need for a BCH Mastodon instance? 500+ characters and federated servers.
followed 2297d
2297d · Bitcoin Cash
You really like to see massive #BitcoinCash adaption in USA? Get in touch with #AlexJones. #PayPal is screwing with him. He has tens of millions of fans. They all like to support him. #BCH
2297d · CSW Blogs
replied 2297d
Probably going ditch all HDDs from gaming rig (too slow). Then I'd install a spare 256GB SSD (Kingston UA400) as backup drive?
Alternate Build is possible upgrades. Haven't gotten the GTX 970 4GB yet but I bought a 600 pro 480GB SSD.

followed topic CashID 2298d
#BitcoinCash (#BCH) Debunking the FUD, revised. Typos fixed, more info, information corrected. Better first picture.

Dang steemit doesn't allow edits after 5 days. Reposted it.
replied 2298d
This is why BCH is ASIC Only. GPU Mining Coins can get 51% attack easily.
replied 2298d
En Fri Mand
GPU Miners are like Gaming Rigs with many cards. They generate around ~400 MH each depending on strength. Only takes a few AntMiners to disrupt a majority non-ASIC. Network TH>GH>MH>KH
replied 2298d
En Fri Mand
Because you need Terahash (TH) Miner to even mine on BCH network. So network is filled with stronger miners only.
replied 2298d
En Fri Mand
PoW requires very strong miners to be powerful enough to process a block. A single outdated miner is too weak to break even in rewards. Thus a pool of Antminers are required for profit