
Joined May 06, 2018

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1777d · #TipBCHDevs
Here's a link to tip the folks who are developing the TipBitcoinCash service. This will help streamers monetize their streams
1783d · #TipMemo
Hey Memo, if you comment, then people can tip you!
1784d · #TipMemo
Help support the creators of Memo, and spread the word! #TipMemo
1786d · #TipBCHDevs
Hey everyone, just a friendly PSA to tip the BCH developers who have brought so many great innovations to BCH!
1822d · memo
For the past 12 weeks (Feb 19 thru today May 7), Tuesday has been the peak transaction day for BCH. Does anyone have a clue why this might be?
1862d · Openmarketcap
In many cases, the Openmarketcap number is >95% lower.
1862d · Openmarketcap
What does everyone think of the latest revelations in Openmarketcap's "trusted exchange volume" vs. Coinmarketcap reported volume?
1882d · Capitalism
State Capitalism should really be called State Communism or State Socialism instead. It might also be called Fascism (group rights trump individual rights).
1882d · Capitalism
State Capitalism (state ownership of property) has much more in common with Communism (public ownership of property) than Capitalism (private ownership of property).
1903d · Capitalism
While we're on the topic, I have a question. Is there taxation in an ideal socialist or communist society?
1903d · Capitalism
Has anyone checked out the Socialism topic on Memo? It got about as many posts as a Socialist grocery store has food... not much
1947d · memo
Guys, is Memo dying? :(
1981d · Capitalism
We have never quite achieved #moralcapitalism, but we have been close. It's a worthy goal. #Evilsocialism, on the other hand, has happened many times.
1982d · Capitalism
#Moralcapitalism incentivises hard work, savings, improving the world, and giving future generations a better life and chance of success.
1982d · Capitalism
#Moralcapitalism helps the poor by reducing cost of goods, improving choice and access, and improving quality of products WITHOUT violating property rights.
2007d · NoForkNovember
It seems companies and miners are starting to take sides... which do you all support?
2007d · memo
What is Memo's approach to the hard fork?
2016d · Capitalism
LightRider, what's your goal in posting here? And do you think insulting people is the way to achieve it?
2046d · Philosophy
Justice is not fairness, it's a process and a goal of trying to right moral wrongs that have occurred. Justice as Fairness is a non-sequiter.
2046d · Philosophy
And who gets to decide what the definition of "unlimited wealth" is? What gives them that right?
2046d · Philosophy
Not everyone lets fear drive their decisions. People strive for a better life, especially for their kids. People want to be able to take risks and be rewarded.
2046d · Philosophy
I mean, not everyone is risk averse. Not everyone in the Original Position would have to have the same values. People (even in the original position) aren't necessarily of identical mindset.
2046d · Philosophy
Can someone educated in philosophy explain how Rawl's Original Position couldn't also result in The Golden Rule in combination with the Non-Aggression Principle? Why Justice as Fairness?
2061d · Capitalism
The fact that you continue to post non fucking stop shows the level of your delusion
2061d · Capitalism
LightRider, you are so salty that Capitalism has helped more people than any other system in history. You have been blinded to think it is responsible for the atrocities of socialism.