
Joined May 06, 2018

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2367d · Capitalism
Socialism is based on envy and jealously
2377d · Halving
So right around April fools day... will we be able to trust any posts that day???
2392d · Marx
Hey LightRider, can you point to a working version of Marxism in history? k thx
2398d · Capitalism
#$%& the haters. Capitalism rules!
2417d · Capitalism
**slow clap**
2424d · Temo
What happened to Anyone know if it's down temporarily or permanently?
2426d · Marx
Can someone explain why socialism and marxism seem to be incompatible with free speech?
2429d · Ed
It's not the CEO that necessarily does the lobbying with their personal money. Companies can give money to industry associations that do lobbying. Co-ops could do this too.
2430d · Ed
To put it differently, what's to prevent a co-op from becoming so large that it tries to exert influence on the government (through lobbying)?
2430d · Ed
How does a co-op system prevent corporate control of the government (deep state)?
2430d · Capitalism
LR, you aren't defining the word capitalism the same as any so called capitalist. What is your ideology, and how do you define it?
2430d · Capitalism
LR, you didn't mention private property or self-ownership. Are those parts of capitalism to you?
2430d · Capitalism
LR, can you even define capitalism???
2430d · Capitalism
LR, you say the state is a necessary part of capitalism... capitalists say the state should be minimized or eliminated. You will never agree without at least defining capitalism.
2430d · Capitalism
How is it that you have the opposite definition of capitalism compared to ancaps? Ancaps want to eliminate government in favor of self-ownership, private property, and free markets.
2433d · Memo.Place
Bump this up to the top again! Would love to see someone do this.
2433d · End of Year BCH Price predictions
2433d · RoyalTiffany
As long as spite motivates you to better yourself and not tear down others, what's the problem? "Living well is the best revenge." -George Herbert
2433d · Capitalism
I don't understand how people can seriously advocate for socialism. It is a failed ideology, with many historical examples. It kills the human spirit and dehumanizes the individual.
2435d · Capitalism
People, how the hell is anybody supposed to agree on anything if we can't even agree on the definition of Capitalism??? Can you at least try to find common ground there?
2437d · Capitalism
That's not really relevant. You could say both #1 and #2 only make $3 per lemonade after #2 is hired and the point still stands.
2437d · Capitalism
Because return of the initial investment (i.e. 0% interest) is not a reward, considering that entire capital amount can be lost.
2437d · Capitalism
How much return is fair? And who gets to make that decision?
2437d · Capitalism
is very little innovation and very inefficient production (central planning also important here).
2437d · Capitalism
Which is something so fundamental that socialism gets wrong. In socialism, the economic incentives are fundamentally misaligned and unjust. Because it punishes risk takers and innovators, there