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saved 1268d
saved 1268d
saved 1269d
Studies like the one cited above that look at the overall impact of the vaccine schedule as currently prescribed and either non-vaccinated, delayed vaccination, or other country schedules.
saved 1269d
Can you (Monk) cite a wholistic study that addresses the positive and negative impacts of today’s vaccine schedule?
saved 1269d
Product failures that kill people are not tolerated elsewhere. Why so with vaccines? Also, the studies that I referred to are not being proactively performed.
saved 1269d
Compare US vaccine schedule to other countries. Compare our schedule today to earlier versions. Certainly there is something to be said for some of them, but the question about when they should be administered and possible effects is valid.
saved 1269d
Thanks. Used to seeing light described in wavelength (nm).
saved 1269d
Con you provide a little context to the numbers?
saved 1270d
Tried this morning, but something went wrong. Took a screen shot though...
saved 1270d
When we do go outside, we are told to wear sunscreen. I don’t but I also am not in the sun nearly enough and so I supplement.
saved 1270d
saved 1271d
I don’t understand your logic. Poor and young applies to all races. There are poor white folk and the ID requirement would apply to all. Are you saying that poor non-white can’t get an ID but the poor white can?
saved 1271d
That isn’t proof. I really don’t trust the data from China and everything else is pretty much speculation. PCR detects dead virus too and we crank up the cycles too much. I should have said no proof of *widespread* asymptotic transmission.
saved 1271d
Also with that logic, if you have tested positive for COVID then you would not need to wear a mask since you can no longer be a carrier. (After you recover obviously)
saved 1271d
I don’t buy it. No proof of asymptotic transmission. Pre-symptomatic possibly, but masks are probably doing as much to harm as to help. And mandates are totally ineffective. Just look at comparisons between states that do and do not require them.
saved 1271d
The question was about the requirement being racist which I don’t think it is. “Poor and younger” is not racial. I can’t say that I’ve seen any headline condemning voter ID based on cost, it is mostly based on it being racist which is disingenuous.
saved 1271d
However, if the polling station was doing a signature verification, that is better than nothing. I think there is still more opportunity for fraud there.
saved 1271d
Things are not uniform. My polling stations (2 different states) did not perform signature verification. They used my ID. I think using a photo ID to establish identity is better than having someone match signatures.
saved 1271d
I don’t understand that concern. There are other services that poor people obtain that require an ID. The point of ID is to validate the person coming to the poll is who they claim to be.
saved 1285d
Let’s try again...
/pay @40658 $1
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[email protected]
I like the “give me hope” hook
saved 1285d
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saved 1285d