Unusual Uther

Joined Aug 10, 2019

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Unusual Uther

"Into the Thick of It" Orchestral Arrangement (ft. Guests)
Unusual Uther

Bebop ~ Rush
Unusual Uther
replied 1607d
Does this person have any positive advice lol...?
Unusual Uther
replied 1627d
It's okay if you want to buy gold, the drunk guy said that lol... You won't die I promise. Sorry if that scared anyone.
Unusual Uther
replied 1638d
Did you really write all this about these processors? Almost unbelievable!
Unusual Uther
replied 1638d
Are you Russian?
Unusual Uther
replied 1638d
Unusual Uther
replied 1638d
Please do tell? Or are you just concern trolling again, trying to derail genuine conversation?
Unusual Uther
Unusual Uther
replied 1646d
Lol, I just have read your message, I will try to find you one, but that is not a guarantee. Morals about nothing need to be taken carefully into consideration.
Unusual Uther
replied 1647d
I love your vampire teeth!
Unusual Uther
replied 1647d
I am talking too you.
Unusual Uther
If you are going to post indecent meme images I will change my picture to a photo of an alien, and I will do it, I Swear to the Father of Jesus. So you better back the fuck down before I get angry.
Unusual Uther
replied 1658d
I think, It depends on what the individual knows already.
Unusual Uther
replied 1658d
I have not seen that video.
Unusual Uther
Unusual Uther
replied 1705d
Happy Birthday buddy!
Unusual Uther
We, only need ONE single brave soul to buy the next beer.