🍕 TRBC 🍔 bmap.cash 👜🏨🍹🍺

Joined May 30, 2018

Web: http://bmap.cash Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cash.bitcoinmap.coinector

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BTC Core devs admit they are working for the State "we work with various central banks to develop distributed fiat currency, which will be good from an interoperability perspective"
The Blockstream campaign worked by flooding people in a constant sea of irrelevancy. It's hard to see what's going on until they stop the propaganda machine and you're left in silence but then it's already too late.
2174d · memo
@memo you guys have done a great job with the platform and upgrading feature since day one. Thank you!
MERCHANT MONDAY - Because Bitcoin was meant to be ..
replied 2181d
Thomas Szasz calls it psychiatric slavery. He wrote a book Psychiatric Slavery.
Libertarians should focus more on the harm and consequences of psychiatric coercion and nonconsensual psychiatry.
replied 2181d
That's not accurate. There is no 'tax' in Dash. Everything is voluntary and the money comes from the block reward. Unless you consider paying miners also a 'tax'.
replied 2183d
I think TRBC meant that of course you, as a law-abiding citizen and a parent, will not engage in private/personal activities without prior government consent.
Year: 1895. Lot's of people: Flying will never happen! It's impossible? Airplanes? No impossible.
Psychiatric dehumanization needs to be outlawed.
Excited to attend the Colorado Blockchain Town Council meeting. Anyone else in the area should come show support & get involved!

replied 2184d
Oh, so I've been waking up since I was 15 :)
2184d · Bitcoin Cash
I Tweeted Max Keiser. He has hosted Tone Vays many times on the Keiser Report, mostly to talk about BTC technicals.
2184d · Capitalism
"I become free when I am treated like a free person by others... conversely, [this can only happen] if I treat the other as a free person, too."
replied 2184d
"They not only need to kill bitcoin as a system, they need to kill bitcoin as an idea." As long as people will keep being dazzled by the prospects of quick riches it'll work for them.
replied 2184d
"They not only need to kill bitcoin as a system, they need to kill bitcoin as an idea." As long as people will keep being dazzled by the prospects of quick riches it'll work for them.
"Choking BTC to fully rely on an experimental technology [LN] seems crazy to me. Seems like they wanted to give banks some time to implement instant pay before bitcoin would overrun everything."
replied 2184d
Congratulations, boy or girl??

Have you documented the birth onchain?
After 5 years in $crypto I consider this to be corruption by desgin. EOS sucks.

replied 2184d
EOS transactions are censorable, any crypto that can be censored is completely missing the point...
I got this message on Reddit. That's the censorship you are all talking about ? First time I'm experiencing it :D https://imgur.com/a/37pMHNW
2185d · #ReconnectJulian