🍕 TRBC 🍔 bmap.cash 👜🏨🍹🍺

Joined May 30, 2018

Web: http://bmap.cash Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cash.bitcoinmap.coinector

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Elderly in #Venezuela are spending the crypto #PETRO as if there was no tomorrow!! For several days they have been lining up in front of any store that offers the #biopago system: they pay by scanning their thumb.
#Venezuela is one of the few countries left on this planet that does not have a U.S. military base on its territory.
Between October 2015 and October 2017, the U.S. military fought in 76 countries.
While there are no freestanding foreign bases permanently located in the United States, there are now around 800 US bases in foreign countries.
La gente en #Venezuela menudo solo reconoce su propia perspectiva por que le falta la informacion de todas las guerras recientes de los gringos en Syria, Irak, Afghanistan, Lybia, Jemen, Palestine, Somalia...
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Whenever I see @dashcrypto pissing on @dashpay it reminds me on how important it is to do the opposite. THANKS BRO this clearly raises the general level of consciousness and communication about #DASH
Did you know that Mastercard recently stopped servicing a major bank @BanFANB in #Venezuela which makes the crypto revolution kick in faster :) ? Banking sanctions gets Venezuela there faster :D THANKS TRUMP
#Dash Platform will let you issue tokens like #BCH SLP tokens, but much improved. This may possibly include a “stable token”: https://dashnews.org/my-big-takeaways-from-dash-core-team-q3-2019-conference-call/
Isnt it strange that Reuters propanda private media always releases negative news about #Venezuela and South American countries that are being led by their native governments while promoting non elected "presidents"??
Do you believe in a CIA, FED, IMF fear driven conspiracy targeting #bitcoin with hateful social media propaganda or do you think that there really exist humans hating on freedom?
Do you prefer to believe that people are hateful or fearful?
"Mensch sein ist heilbar" - Andreas Winter
This Trick Makes You Immune To Illness | Wim Hof on Impact Theory:
Many players in the #bitcoin market are selling solutions to problems that only exist in the imagination, just like most fear & paranoia only exists in the infected enslaved mind. #realbitcoinclub #bitcoinmap
A merchant who chooses to accept #bitcoin will have 0.1%-1% of sales in #BTC #BCH #DASH These coins he will accumulate slowly offer a nice ROI until he really needs to spend them in a few years. #realbitcoinclub
Income was never "stable", the mood of humans was never "stable", the weather is never "stable". I enjoy the surprise, the opportunity, the challenge, the growth. Stable is boring, death is stable... #realbitcoinclub
As #Bitmain is starting a 300 MW mining facility, how can we compete long term against these who produce their own #bitcoin #bch #btc ASICS? Is #DASH Proof of Service the answer? Is PoW doomed even GPU & RAM based?
2015d · memo
I do not understand at all why some of my recent posts on memo.cash have been replicated here on memo.sv while most have not! Anyone can explain me how that works?
Anyone still using memo.sv?? Or did they all move to twetch?
#bitcoincashers discord channel is being censored to an extreme level #bch #bitcoincash community is being harmed by Monica the mother of #censorship Is that #bchforeveryone ? #bitcoincom #rogerkver @rogerkver
I was suffering so much in the fascist egoistic culture. Since I was a kid & entered school I was being suppressed & harassed for my connection to nature. I finally found the pure souls I was always searching for.
We just took Rapé a mix of holy plants which you get blown into the nose by the shaman. It takes you to the present moment. Venezuela is full of magic. I am so happy here where humans are so lovely & joyful.
My dream was always to introduce the native Americans to #bitcoin & today it is happening! I will take part in a Ceremony of Yopo which contains 5-MEO-DMT & I will pay with #DASH #DASHTEXT See you in the next life :)