🍕 TRBC 🍔 bmap.cash 👜🏨🍹🍺

Joined May 30, 2018

Web: http://bmap.cash Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cash.bitcoinmap.coinector

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Following 95
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Hoy vamos a tomar una planta sagrada y pagaré con #DASH al chamán!! Eso es la instrucción que estoy viendo ahora mismo: Yopo DMT y chamanismo de los Paros:
What is this stupid 25 tx limit about?!?! Why are the #BCH developers too stupid to deliver at least a reliable platform??
1727d · Favorite Quotes
"Breath deeply and conscious to create profound happyness"
1727d · Favorite Quotes
"Air contains 70% of the protein consumed by the human organism"
1728d · Memo
Look at my tips, I simply click the heart and memo sends random amounts of sats...
1728d · Memo
HUGE BUG!! What is going on?!
1728d · Memo
WTF memo has been sending amount from 10k-5k satoshis for normal tips and now is telling me i should recharge my wallet while my balance is at 4,018,533 sats
The Real Bitcoin Club has been planting seeds of bitcoin in rural areas of Venezuela the whole week :) We will prove that #bitcoin works everywhere & for everyone :) with text message wallets and a strong vision !!!
*WATCH THIS* For all the open minded & truther, here comes the *REAL* bitcoin: #DASH adoption report from the REAL world in Venezuela:
1753d · memo
A feature like "memo of the week" where everyone can only publish once a week would be raising quality so much!!! Each week the user can nominate his favo post! Like twitter pins but better!!
I was searching for a safe & low cost place to live so I can focus on programming & marketing of bitcoin map & finally I found that place in Venezuela!! This country is so awesome & lovely!! Anarchism is wide spread!!
Most easy to realize cognitive dissonance: Most think that cigarettes & alcohol & sugar are OK while unprocessed natural plants are not... This is how they control your mind, this is why most people feel bad on weed.
Cognitive Dissonance, everyone was programmed & most still practice it (TV/Alcohol/Cigarette) Until they really learn to pay attention to all their own actions & thoughts!
created poll 1753d
Who has the most EXPERIENCE in SOFTWARE projects & therefore is most qualified to lead one?
created poll 1754d
How many restaurants, bars or supermarkets have you introduced to bitcoin?
created poll 1754d
How many times have you assisted to install a wallet?
Für alle die immernoch Angst vor LSD haben:
1754d · chat.chat
Who is using chat.chat??? I find that interface amazing!! Really awesome user experience! My name there is @bitcoinmap and I created a group there for chatting called "bitcoinmap"
Bitcoin & Friends is back:
created poll 1756d
DId you realize that the bitcoin.com YouTube channel is always winning subscribers but is loosing view counts???
1757d · memo
I would like to dedicate one day per month just to polish the UX/UI but how can I participate???
1757d · memo
Memo has huge potential because the domain is awesome & now with token send it has many possibilities to integrate real services... I wish it would still be open source!! You need better UX & UI!!
THE BEST NEWS: Manifesting real history chunks on http://memo.cash just got cheaper!!! Join us!!! Start writing history today!! #memo #censorship #julianassange
FOLLOW ON INSTA (instagram is full of positive vibes): https://www.instagram.com/bitcoinmap.cash/