🍕 TRBC 🍔 bmap.cash 👜🏨🍹🍺

Joined May 30, 2018

Web: http://bmap.cash Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=cash.bitcoinmap.coinector

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Anonymity OnlineProtect your privacy. Defend yourself against network surveillance and traffic analysis.
created poll 2224d
How much money are you going to use for the stress test?
I am not going to partcipate 1 votes · 0 satoshis
less than 1 USD 1 votes · 0 satoshis
Between 1 and 5 USD 9 votes · 546 satoshis
Between 5 and 10 USD 3 votes · 1,550 satoshis
Between 10 and 20 USD 8 votes · 0 satoshis
More than 50 USD 2 votes · 0 satoshis
More than a 100 USD 3 votes · 1,000 satoshis
More then a 1000 USD 1 votes · 0 satoshis
More than a 1000 USD and I will also make tx on the BTC chain. 1 votes · 0 satoshis


2213d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
Stresstest starting at 8 EST. 25 min to go.
2214d · Capitalism
LightRider, please name a socialist country you like to move to. I'll donate to your one way ticket collection.
2213d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
Hi, I was told there would be memes
2213d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
Hey good stuff guys. Take a look at https://fork.lol/tx/txs & https://fork.lol/tx/fee We're seeing siginficantly more transactions than Core but fees are less!
2213d · stresstestbitcoin.cash
Hi, I was told there would be memes
I am posting this just to see it appear on https://txstreet.com/
Mastercard sells transaction data to Google (cross..
replied 2213d
Lol "double blind encryption" my ass.
I wont rest until the blocks are thicker than this
It's so blatant obvious CSW has forged evidence -..
replied 2213d
I agree. That's why racism is a red herring. We are being divided for the sake of division.
replied 2213d
I would think extended family and maybe even local community/village/tribe, that is the vast majority of human existence and evolutionary history as a whole. Nations are pretty new.
replied 2214d
Demilitarize the US is a great idea. After all, the 2nd ammendment protects your land and there's no need to "democratize" foreign countries.
2215d · US Politics/Trump
McCain is a fucking war criminal... and here's bit more truth about that fucker
Hero my ass... fucking crook and a Fascist, fucking Nazi
BCore is stealing the brand name. It softforked in a way which changes its function while not even being backward compatible since it didn't upgrade almost any of the onchain tps so it's a fake Bitcoin.
replied 2215d
anybody needing reminders for what bitcoin IS?

or wanting to know Craig's thoughts on the summit
"a circle jerk"
(he does explain).
2214d · Bitcoin Cash
It's getting better and better: JihanWu apparently accuses CSW of being a blockstream spy.
The weakest link is the dev team. As long as the dev team is known publicly it can be easily hijacked (see That's exactly why SN did everything he could to keep his real identity secret
replied 2215d
Both of these (weapons manufacturers, banks, and there are others like oil companies, steel... even Coca Cola was trading with Nazis in WWII) are Privately owned Capitalist businesses.
replied 2215d
I can only say by empirical observation that alcohol promotes aggressiveness on certain individuals and make people more manegeable: they care more about getting drunk than anything.
replied 2215d
Simon Van Gelder
Where talking different Views here...
I was refering to the reply button not working on Mobile.
As much as I hate it, Mobile should be the main focus.
2215d · memo
Update released: Replies now visible in modals. Also some styling updates.