I was suffering so much in the fascist egoistic culture. Since I was a kid & entered school I was being suppressed & harassed for my connection to nature. I finally found the pure souls I was always searching for.
I was suffering so much in the fascist egoistic culture. Since I was a kid & entered school I was being suppressed & harassed for my connection to nature. I finally found the pure souls I was always searching for.
I was suffering so much in the fascist egoistic culture. Since I was a kid & entered school I was being suppressed & harassed for my connection to nature. I finally found the pure souls I was always searching for.
We just took Rapé a mix of holy plants which you get blown into the nose by the shaman. It takes you to the present moment. Venezuela is full of magic. I am so happy here where humans are so lovely & joyful.
We just took Rapé a mix of holy plants which you get blown into the nose by the shaman. It takes you to the present moment. Venezuela is full of magic. I am so happy here where humans are so lovely & joyful.
We just took Rapé a mix of holy plants which you get blown into the nose by the shaman. It takes you to the present moment. Venezuela is full of magic. I am so happy here where humans are so lovely & joyful.
My dream was always to introduce the native Americans to #bitcoin & today it is happening! I will take part in a Ceremony of Yopo which contains 5-MEO-DMT & I will pay with #DASH#DASHTEXT See you in the next life :)
Hoy vamos a tomar una planta sagrada y pagaré con #DASH al chamán!! Eso es la instrucción que estoy viendo ahora mismo: Yopo DMT y chamanismo de los Paros:
My dream was always to introduce the native Americans to #bitcoin & today it is happening! I will take part in a Ceremony of Yopo which contains 5-MEO-DMT & I will pay with #DASH#DASHTEXT See you in the next life :)
Hoy vamos a tomar una planta sagrada y pagaré con #DASH al chamán!! Eso es la instrucción que estoy viendo ahora mismo: Yopo DMT y chamanismo de los Paros:
My dream was always to introduce the native Americans to #bitcoin & today it is happening! I will take part in a Ceremony of Yopo which contains 5-MEO-DMT & I will pay with #DASH#DASHTEXT See you in the next life :)
Hoy vamos a tomar una planta sagrada y pagaré con #DASH al chamán!! Eso es la instrucción que estoy viendo ahora mismo: Yopo DMT y chamanismo de los Paros:
My dream was always to introduce the native Americans to #bitcoin & today it is happening! I will take part in a Ceremony of Yopo which contains 5-MEO-DMT & I will pay with #DASH#DASHTEXT See you in the next life :)
Hoy vamos a tomar una planta sagrada y pagaré con #DASH al chamán!! Eso es la instrucción que estoy viendo ahora mismo: Yopo DMT y chamanismo de los Paros:
My dream was always to introduce the native Americans to #bitcoin & today it is happening! I will take part in a Ceremony of Yopo which contains 5-MEO-DMT & I will pay with #DASH#DASHTEXT See you in the next life :)
Hoy vamos a tomar una planta sagrada y pagaré con #DASH al chamán!! Eso es la instrucción que estoy viendo ahora mismo: Yopo DMT y chamanismo de los Paros:
Selective perception is a perceptual process in which a person only perceives what he desires to and sets aside or ignores other perceptions or viewpoints.
Selective perception is a perceptual process in which a person only perceives what he desires to and sets aside or ignores other perceptions or viewpoints.