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saved 972d
he won't because he's not Satoshi and he doesn't have the keys
saved 995d
BSV is a scam, convince me otherwise
saved 1026d
Mandatory vaccines are a good thing at this point into the pandemic
saved 1033d
Even Craig hasn't proven he's Satoshi. He's def falsified court documents and perjured himself which makes me think he's def not Satoshi.
saved 1033d
Probably because one of the most likely people to be Satoshi aka Hal Finney died around the time Satoshi disappeared in 2014 and Craig def knows this and didn't say he was Satoshi until after 2015. Or it could be David Kleinman. Craig def a fraud tho
saved 1033d
So when do we accept Craig Wright isn't Satoshi and never was?
saved 1058d
Anyone know when deposits for BSV on exchanges will be back up??
saved 1119d
saved 1139d
What does jealousy have to do with class struggles?
It can't be as simple as the people on the bottom were mistreated by those higher in society and ergo want better treatment?
saved 1139d
Okay, but when has history not been a struggle between the 'haves' and 'have nots'?
When has politics not been a struggle between class interests?
It's a pattern you discover everywhere because it's always been that way ie the French Revolution, WW2, etc.
saved 1139d
You resolve it with good policy ie Universal Healthcare, universal education etc.
Also, what does a dictatorship of the proletariat even mean?
A dictatorship by the workers who make up 99% of society?
So 99% of society determines the laws and taxes?
saved 1139d
Good thing home invasion and illegal immigration due to shit tier immigration policies are not equitable.
Also, are you saying you wouldn’t want to be treated for your broken arm?
Literally everyone pays for the treatment through taxation.
saved 1139d
Possibly, I’m not a tax expert other than being a tax accountant so it’d depend. Sales tax is a largely regressive tax system which affects the poor disproportionately to the upper class.
saved 1139d
How has history not been a history of class struggles? The civil rights movement in the United States was a class struggle of black Americans and other minorities who were second class citizens in their own country
saved 1139d
I love talking about politics, it’s one thing I am very passionate about.
And I love calling out contradictions wherever I see them because people need to think harder about the positions they support and why.
saved 1139d
Because immigrants, even illegal, ones still pay taxes ie sales tax.
More than 50% of people in the US do not pay taxes because they don’t earn enough to be taxed.
Also, if an illegal has a broken arm your position is they should be denied healthcare?
saved 1139d
Remove the troll toll you put on me so I can respond.
But, you’re saying because immigrants exist no one deserves universal healthcare.
Also we ration care in the US based on wallet size over need. In Universal Healthcare countries it’s the opposite
saved 1139d
Is there anything more contradictory than Libertarians that fly ‘Don’t Tread on Me’ flags while at the same time supporting Blue Lives Matter?
Blaring contradictions do not register in the right wingers mind.
That’s why they accept things at face value.
saved 1139d
There is more class consciousness amongst the elites in society than there is amongst the proletariat.

Americans are heavily propagandized to to think universal policies are a net negative or socialism to society when they are the opposite.
saved 1139d
History has always and always will be a history of class struggles
saved 1139d
How do libertarians and right wingers justify the deaths of 45,000 to 60,000 Americans that die each year from a lack of healthcare?
Universal Healthcare ensures these people do not die but that’s “socialism” or some other lack-of-empathy position
saved 1139d
Universal Healthcare will literally destroy society and make us scary spooky socialists 😳😳
Glad I live in America where I can spend more money on healthcare and live a shorter life while going bankrupt from medical bills 🤪🥸
saved 1141d
Studying history will disturb you.
Studying history will upset you.
Studying history will make you furious.
If studying history always makes you feel proud and happy, you probably aren't studying history.
saved 1141d
I play Devil's Advocate a lot because it's fun to disagree
saved 1141d
We are not from the left or the right.
We are from the bottom and we are coming for those at the top.