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saved 1236d
Because All Lives Matter is a dog whistle used by YTs to undermine BLM when traditionally black lives have not mattered in the United States since slavery days.
Where’s the justice for Breonna Taylor, Philando Castile, or Tamir Rice?
Only YTs use ALM
saved 1236d
Having lived in countries like Canada, England, Japan, Korea, and India. Countries which have these social policies I advocate for, the citizens have more social mobility and freedom to pursue their interests. Americans are just heavily propagandized to.
saved 1236d
And yeah it is the government holding them down when you consider historical racist policies and treatment not limited to redlining, segregation, also racism in sentencing and over policing. Police departments started out as Slave Catchers, nothing changed
saved 1236d
The Civil Rights protests in the 1960s were just as “violent”, your view of history is whitewashed. Being anti-BLM is the same as being anti-Civil Rights in the 60s, don’t fall for the right wing propaganda. BLM is a civil rights movements
saved 1236d
That says a lot about society
saved 1236d
Don't be a scumbag @6315 by taking me out of context
when I was mocking you
You also said All Lives Matter which is a racist slogan used to undermine the BLM movement
At least I don't hide behind an anonymous username on Twetch, you Coward
saved 1236d
I was mocking you, my guy, if you want to take me out of context, that's on you, my dude.
The thread is there. for everyone to see
You said "FUCK BLM" you also said "All Lives Matter."
Once again, All Lives Matter is a racist slogan used to undermine BLM
saved 1236d
You are projecting your racism onto me.

All Lives Matter is a slogan used by racists otherwise you wouldn't have said "Fuck BLM."
saved 1236d
Ooooooh I see. Hmm okay. Then honestly I find myself in the same camp as you, Freedom and Love form the basis of all my beliefs as well.
Just those two words have a different meaning for me I suppose.
saved 1236d
I got the bad boi J&J vaccine because I'm a naughty boi
And needles remind me of the times I shot up heroin in the backstreets with my homeless bois
Not good to have triggers
That's why the J&J one was for me
1 and done
saved 1236d
Hell yeah, fuck Joe Biden
saved 1236d
Actually Europe freed the slaves about 60 years prior to the United States in 1803
The Republican party of the 1800s is in no shape or form comparable to the the Republican party of today
Democrats/Dixiecrats were the Conservative party and founded the KKK
saved 1236d
Yeah, I can agree with that.
I think politician fundraising must be changed to stop corporate funding and return to individual contributions only.
saved 1236d
The USA, so not racist it was founded on the principle of "All Men are Created Equally" while enslaving blacks, genociding the Indians, and keeping women second class citizens.
You gotta clean your closet, bro.
It's filled with skeletons.
saved 1236d
Has nothing to do with success. I am asking, would you want to be treated how blacks were treated in the United States? Ie being subjected to segregation, redlining, slavery, racist policy decisions ie the 1994 Crime Bill, written by Joe Biden btw
saved 1236d
Love: kindness.
I consider the Jesus Christ model to be the highest form of love.
"I did not come to bring peace, but a sword."
My sword is being nice
Killing people with kindness is the highest form of love because you treat others like your bro or sis
saved 1236d
I think Freedom is the right to self-autonomy.
Are you free to pursue your highest good?
I think the essential pre-req to freedom is government meeting basic needs.
After living in Japan, I consider it a great society to model to ensure self-autonomy.
saved 1236d
saved 1236d
Yeah, I agree with you.

The one thing I cannot stand is seeing leftists advocating for the government to take away all guns. Like the reason we lost the Vietnam War was cause the Rice Farmers all had guns

US got rekt by Commie Viet Cong Farmers lmfao
saved 1236d
Yeah, fuck BLM, how dare the blackies protest their second class citizen treatment?

On a side note, would you want to be treated the way black people are treated in the United States?
saved 1236d
I looked into him. I thought he was right when he said certain taxes may have strong disincentives ie income. I disagree with his Single Land Tax because site values are created, not intrinsic. Why else would land in Tokyo be worth more than land in Idaho?
saved 1236d
Oh I see. As far as research goes, that's funded by tax payer dollars like yours and mind.
As for the books, it depends on the corporation. I know McGrawHill censors US slavery in the Southern States. They called Blacks workers instead of slaves LOOOL
saved 1236d
I would say, I am, also, one of the down syndrome xD rawr~~!
saved 1236d
Yeah, I actually agree with that pic. ANTIFA are a bunch of larpers just like the Right Wing militia groups they show up to beat up with bike locks lmfao
saved 1236d
That would be very nice, I enjoy honest nice conversation and the best way to do that is to define the words we use with each other because your definitions are not the same as my definitions despite using or being the same words.