Naomi Brockwell

Joined May 06, 2018

Film/TV producer, Host of #blockchain / #tech / #bitcoin YouTube show; Dance like nobody's watching, Encrypt like everyone is. @naomibrockwell

Actions 474
Following 53
Followers 120
Topics following 4
Muted 3
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Is Bitcoin Better Money? John Stossel interview with Naomi Brockwell
Ron Paul: Bitcoin vs Govt, and the coming recession?
replied 1945d
I would agree that this seems to be his argument, which makes sense to me
replied 1945d
It's a bit more nuanced that this
Online Privacy under attack: Can VPNs save us?
BSV "metanet" & ETH scaling issues: deep dive with Paul Puey on CoinWatch
Crypto Taxes: the new IRS "guidance"
replied 1952d
lolol thanks!
replied 1953d
Absolutely nothing. I created 100k of them because I hope to get to 100k subscribers (when, I don't know!)
Maybe they'll be redeemable for merch, really I was just playing around :)
Been playing around, just created my first token to see how it's done, and checked out the new dividend payment system. Really neat actually.
listed token for sale CANCELLED 1953d

replied 1955d
Thanks so much for your kind works! :)
replied 1955d
Will look into it!!
Snowden: “All your purchases are tracked.” Here’s what you can do.
Electron Cash CashShuffle Tutorial, and Wasabi CoinJoin Tutorial
It's chilling how much of your internet activity is monitored. I explain how NSA programs like STELLARWIND & TURBULENCE work, and discuss the dangers of Smart Appliances.

Premiering now!
The Bitcoin Patreon that cares about privacy
replied 1965d
lol ummm thanks?
replied 1965d
Lol thanks for watching! Any topics in particular you'd like to know more about?
The battle of Govt v. ICOs: EOS creator settles for $24million, KIK fights SEC
replied 1968d
White men are people too
I'll check it out!
replied 1968d
Agreed, doesn't seem like a big deal
Snowden says don't use Wifi, I explain why
Quantum Computers: Will they break cryptography?